Small Talks/Arriving At Te Fiti

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"Nah, that can't be true." Maui laughed.

"It is. He wanted to go fishing and got his fish hook stuck in his finger." [Y/n] said as she and Mohan told Maui some stories from their childhood.

"Then he tried to get the fish hook out with another fish hook."

"So there I was, an eight year old with two fish hooks on his finger." Mohan said and they laughed the more.

"So how'd you get them out?" Maui asked.

"[Y/n] helped me get them out."

"Without me, he would have lost his pointer finger." [Y/n] said.

"Looks like princess' the one who always got you out of trouble." Maui said smirking slightly.

"Yeah, she was my guardian angel." Mohan said as he turned to [Y/n].

The two teens stared into each other's eyes with such admiration, such passion, and, even though they didn't want to admit it, love.

"So are you two gonna kiss or what?" Maui asked the two, ruining the moment,making the teens blush and turn away from each other.

[Y/n] yawned in exhaustion.

"Why don't you get some sleep?" Maui said to the girl.

"I thought you said a real way finder never sleeps." She replied, eyebrows raised.

"Well a princess needs her beauty sleep, don't she." Maui said teasingly making [Y/n] glare at him.

"He's right you know." Mohan said and she rolled her eyes, but then she yawned again, and the boys laughed.

"Get some sleep." Maui said again.

"Fine." [Y/n] finally agreed. "Wake me up as soon-"

"Don't worry, we will." [Y/n] went to the back of the canoe and lay down.

"Good night." Mohan said smiling sweetly at her.

"Good night." She replied and drifted into sleep.

"So when are you gonna tell her how you feel about her?" Maui asked snapping Mohan out of his daze.

"I……I don't know what you're…talking about." Mohan said blushing. Maui laughed.

"Come on, even the chicken can see how much you like her."

"Is it that obvious?" Maui nodded and Mohan sighed. "I don't know, I just…I guess, maybe because I'm scared she won't like me back."

"Oh come on she definitely likes you, you should see the way she looks at you."

"I don't know Maui. I mean [Y/n] is naturally nice, I…I might be the wrong signals." Maui placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Mohan, trust me, [Y/n] is crazy for you. I mean she's head over heels in love with you."

"In love…with me? Love is such a strong word."

"I'm sure about it, she LOVES you. You do love her too right?"

"I do. I've loved her for a while now."

"And she loves you, [Y/n] is a one of a kind girl, and if I were you, I'd marry her after this."

Mohan looked down to his necklace, remembering what Tala had told him, then he nodded in determination.

"Okay I'll do it. After we save the world, I'll tell [Y/n] how I feel."

"That's the spirit. And when you tell her, look straight into her eyes and just tell her no matter how much you're scared."

"Thanks for the tip. You know you give pretty good advice for a guy who was stranded on an island for one thousand years." Mohan teased and Maui playfully punched his arm, making them laugh.


The canoe sailed through a fog and Maui stood on the mast, trying to see through. Then he looked down to the teens who were fussing about. The two then looked up noticing Maui looking at them.

"What?" The teens said asked in unison.

"I figured it out." Maui said and then jumped down. "You know the ocean used to love when I pulled up islands, cause your ancestors would sail the seas to find them. All those new islands, new villages, it was the water that connected them all. And if I were the ocean, I think I'd be looking for a curly-haired non prince and his (s/c) best friend to start that again."

"Aww……" [Y/n] said putting her hand on her chest touched. "That is literally the nicest thing you've ever said to us."

"Probably should've saved that for Te Fiti." Mohan said.

"I did." Maui replied.

The fog lifted and the teens saw that they had arrived at the island.

"Mohan and [Y/n] of Montuni, I believe you two have officially delivered Maui across the great ocean."

Then he started chanting for them.

"Mohan, [Y/n], Mohan, [Y/n], you're so amazing." The teens laughed. "It's time."

Mohan gave him the heart and they turned to see that Te Ka had woken up.[Y/n] turned to Maui and hugged him, then kissed his cheek.

"Good luck." She whispered. Maui then turned to Mohan who smiled at him.

"Go save the world."

May smirked, then did his signature yell, turning to a hawk, before flying towards Te Ka. 

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