Maui's Story

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"We're alive!" The teens cheered as they made it to the surface. Then they turned to Maui and screamed at what they saw.

"Listen, I appreciate what you two did down there." Maui said.

"Mmm….mmm……" Mohan answered as he and [Y/n] tried to hold in their laughter

"Took guts, but……" Maui finally noticed that the teens were hardly listening to him. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to be sincere for once, and it feels like you're both distracted."

"No, no way." [Y/n] said, still trying to hold in her laugh.

"Really? Cause you're looking at me like I have a.…" Maui looked down at his hand saw it was actually a fin. He felt his face and sighed. "……shark head."

"What? Do you have a shark head, cause I.……" Mohan trailed off.

"Look, the point is for little kids, children, thing, whatever, who had no business being down there, you did me a solid. But you also almost died. And I couldn't even beat the dumb crab. So chances of beating Te Ka? Bup kiss. We're never making it to Te Fiti, this mission is cursed."

"Wow aren't you a pessimist? The mission's not cursed." [Y/n] said solemnly.

"Shark head." Maui said pointing to himself.

"It's not cursed." [Y/n] pressed, handing him his hook. He shape shifted into more animals and then stopped at a more healthier form of Heihei. Then he shape shifted back to himself, except with a shark tale.

"Cursed." He grumbled.

Mohan and [Y/n] shared a look. They had to do something about this.


"What can I say except we're dead soon, we're dead soon." Maui sang hopelessly as the teens were steering the canoe.

"Can you at least try?" [Y/n] asked.

Maui gave her a look before saying; "Giant hawk."

He touched the hook and shape shifted into other animals and then back to himself. "Hey it's okay, he's okay, we're dead soon."

"Alright break time's over, get up." Mohan said walking up to him.

"Why? Are you gonna give me a speech? Tell me I could beat Te Ka cause I'm Maui?"

Mini Maui elbowed him. "Take a hike tiny." He flicked Mini Maui to his back.

Mohan and [Y/n] stared at his tattoo of a woman throwing a baby to the ocean.

"How do you get your tattoos?" [Y/n] ask quietly.

"They show up when I earn them." Maui answered.

"How did you earn that one? What's that for?" Mohan asked pointing to the one they were staring at.

"That's a man's discovery of nonya."

"What's nonya?"

"Nonya business."

"I'll just keep asking, what's it for?" Mohan pushed on poking Maui with the oar.

"You need to stop doing that." Mohan lightly smacked him with the oar. "Back off."

[Y/n] looked at the two worriedly.

"Just tell us what it is." Mohan insisted.

"I said back off."

"Is it why your hook's not working?"

Maui got angry and threw him off the boat. [Y/n] rushed to help him.

"Maybe we shouldn't push him too hard." [Y/n] said as she pulled him in.

"We need answers [Y/n]." Mohan said and walked towards Maui

"You don't wanna talk? Don't talk. You wanna throw me off the boat? Throw me off. You wanna tell me I don't know what I'm doing? I know I don't. I have no idea why the ocean chose me, you're right. But our island is dying, so we're here. It's just us and you."

"We want to help, but we can't, if you don't let us." [Y/n] said walking up next to Mohan

There was silence and the teens sighed dejectedly. They were about to turn around when Maui spoke up.

"I wasn't born a demigod. I had human parents. They….uh….they took one look and decided they didn't want me. They threw me into the sea like I was nothing. Somehow I was found by the gods, they gave me the hook. They made me..……Maui. And back to the humans I went. I gave them islands, fire, coconuts. Anything they could want." Maui said sadly.

"You took the heart for them." Mohan said.

"You did everything for them. So they'd love you." [Y/n] added.

"It was never enough." Maui replied his head drooping in sadness.

Mohan and [Y/n] came up to both sides of him and [Y/n] placed a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe the gods found you for a reason. Maybe the ocean brought you to them because it saw someone who was worthy of being saved. But the gods aren't the ones who make you Maui, you are."

[Y/n] got up and Maui stared after her, then looked to Mohan who tapped his shoulder reassuredly, then walked up to [Y/n].

Maui looked down to Mini Maui who hugged his chest. "Okay, okay. I love you too buddy."

He took a deep breath of courage and reached for his hook, holding it with pride. Then he turned to face the two teens who smiled widely at him.


Mohan and [Y/n] started helping Maui practice his shape shifting. First Mini Maui turned into a bug, Maui doing the same successfully and [Y/n] cheered for him. Then Heihei ate him making the teens gasp. Then Maui turned back to himself, with Heihei's beak on his  finger.

Maui was teaching how to tie a clove hitch. Mohan repeated the knot, but got some hair in his face. [Y/n] moved next to him and moved the hair out of his face making Mohan blush and Maui smirk at him.

Mini Maui shape shifted into a chameleon and Maui also did the same.

Maui and  [Y/n] both placed their hand into the water to test the current. It was warm, they were on the right course.

Maui and Mohan were at the front of the boat, with Mohan measuring the stars. Maui shifted his hand to the correct position.

Maui jumped into the water and came out, shape shifting into his hawk form.

"Yeah!" The teens cheered for him. Then Maui turned into a whale and splashed them with water. He turned back into himself, jumping into the boat, giving [Y/n] a high-five, Mohan a fist bump and doing a handshake with Mini Maui.

Heihei fell into the ocean again and the ocean, fed up with the chicken, locked him inside a basket, put the basket in the cargo holder and slammed the cargo hold shut, making the trio laugh.

"Next stop, Te Fiti." Mohan said handing the oar over to Maui.

Maui smiled and handed the oar back to him, and Mohan took it surprised. Maui nodded reassuredly and [Y/n] gave him a proud smile.

Mohan smiled widely and started sailing, doing exactly what the ocean chose him for, delivering Maui across the great ocean.

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