The Final Showdown

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"Okay so what's the plan?" [Y/n] asked Mohan as she helped him fix the boat.

"The plan is to drop you on a nearby island while I go to Te Fiti." Mohan said making [Y/n] blink.

"Say what now?"

"Look I'll come back for you when I've put back the heart."

"Okay, there is no way I'm going to sit in some island doing nothing while you go up against a giant lava monster."

"Complain all you want, I've made my decision." Mohan stated firmly.

"You're not the boss of me. I chose to come on this journey with you and I promised Tala I'd keep you safe."

"You don't get it do you? I don't want you to get hurt again. What if Te Ka strikes again and you get burnt all over this time, or what if she slams your head into a rock and I can't protect you, what if-"

Mohan was cut off by [Y/n] pressing her lips to his. Mohan's eyes widened and his heart started beating fast. 'Oh my gosh, [Y/n]'s kissing me'

He kissed back as he felt [Y/n] starting to pull away and brought her closer as he wrapped his arms around her waist, deepening the kiss. They kissed for sometime and then pulled back for air.

"Wow." Mohan whispered as he gazed at [Y/n] lovingly, making her giggle. She pecked his lips again and pulled back.

"I'm with you till the very end remember?" She reminded him. Mohan sighed.

"Fine, but stay close okay?"

"Yes sir."

Mohan smiled and pulled her in for a hug, failing to see [Y/n]'s fingers crossed behind her back.

"Wait, does this mean you have feelings for me?" Mohan asked as he pulled back.

"I've always had feelings for you." [Y/n] admitted flushed, making Mohan smile.

"Well that's good, cause I've liked you for a long time too." Mohan said.

The teens leaned in to kiss again when…


"Oh, Heihei!"


Mohan and [Y/n]'s boat drew closer to Te Ka's island.

"Te Ka can't follow us into the water. We make it pass the barrier islands, we make it to Te Fiti." Mohan explained.

"None of which you understand, cause you're a chicken." [Y/n] said to Heihei before putting him in the cargo holder.

The teens looked up to Te Ka's island and took deep breaths.

"This is it, the final showdown." [Y/n] said.

"You're with me right?" Mohan asked her.

"Till the very end." She replied smirking.

Te Ka appeared and Mohan furrowed his eyebrows in determination as he sailed, dodging Te Ka's fireballs. Mohan saw the small gap and he was able to manuevere the boat in it's direction. Te Ka threw a fireball at the entrance of the gap, shaking the boat causing debris to fall on it. The teens tripped and the heart fell out of Mohan's necklace.

"No!" He exclaimed as the heart was about to fall into the water but Heihei caught it. "Heihei!"

Heihei bounced it around and brought it to Mohan.

"Nice work." [Y/n] complimented patting the chicken's head.

Mohan managed to sail the boat through the gap and they arrived at the other side of Te Ka's island. They looked up to see the island they've been searching for.

"Te Fiti." [Y/n] sighed in relief.

Te Ka knocked over the boat making the teens fall in the water. Mohan helped [Y/n] to the surface. As they started to turn the boat upright, Te Ka got ready to attack again, but a very familiar hawk flew up to her. The hawk shape shifted to the famous demigod, and he caught off Te Ka's left arm making her shriek in pain.

"Maui!" The teens yelled happily. He landed on the boat with them.

"You came back." [Y/n] said and hugged him. Maui chuckled and hugged her back.

"But your hook. One more hit and…." Mohan trailed off.

"Te Ka's gotta catch me first." Maui replied smirking.

They all looked up as Te Ka roared, her arm growing back.

"I got your back chosen one. Go save the world." Maui said and turned the boat back upright.

"Maui!" Mohan called and Maui turned to face him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Maui turned back into a hawk and flew towards Te Ka, then he turned into a whale and splashed her. Te Ka got her flames back and Maui, now a shark, bit her hand. She threw him off but he turned into a chameleon saying; "Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot."

He turned back into a hawk and flew out of sight leaving her to search for him.

"Hey Te Ka!" She turned to see him on her arm. "Shark head."

He cut off her arm again and then shape shifted into a hawk about to fly, but then Te Ka smashed him into a rock. Te Ka turned to see the teens' boat and threw a fireball at them

"Mohan! [Y/n]!" Maui exclaimed.

The ocean rose up and blocked the shot, but the force hit their canoe making them fall into the water again. The ocean brought them to the shoreline of Te Fiti, and Mohan grabbed [Y/n]'s arm pulling her forward with him. [Y/n] looked back at Maui, seeing as he was having trouble distracting Te Ka, and she pulled back from Mohan.

"[Y/n]?" Mohan asked in confusion.

"Get the heart to the spiral." She said as she picked up a vine, turning around to go help, but Mohan pulled her back.



"No, you promised." [Y/n] sheepishly raised her crossed fingers as Mohan shook his head. "No."

"Mohan I'll be fine."

"No [Y/n]-"

"Look you're just wasting time. I gotta go, I'm sorry." She ran away from him.

"[Y/n] no!" She jumped into the ocean, which carried her closer to Te Ka.

Maui looked at his hook which had a bigger crack as Te Ka prepared to strike. Then he gripped it tighter and attacked Te Ka the same time she struck, the impact causing him to land on a rock as his hook was destroyed. [Y/n] gasped at this and she urged the ocean to push her faster.

Mohan climbed to the top but gasped when he saw nothing but the shape of a woman who was sleeping, in the place where Te Fiti was supposed to be.

"Te Fiti, it's gone."

Maui started getting up and Te Ka got ready to attack again when she felt a vine wrapped around her arm, pulling her back.

"Hey hotshot." Both Maui and Te Ka turned to see the (s/c) girl riding the ocean like a surfer. "How bout you cool off?"

She wrapped the vine around the demon, swinging as she did so, making the ocean spray water on Te Ka. Then she landed next to Maui as Te Ka shrieked.

"Are you nuts?" Maui asked bewildered.

"No, I'm goal oriented."

Mohan heard Te Ka's shriek and turned, noticing a spiral on the demon's chest, matching the shape of the heart.

Maui started doing a warrior dance making Te Ka turn to them again. The demon raised her hand to attack, but stopped when she saw a bright green light from her peripheral vision.

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