Chapter Two

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Author's note:
Sometimes the chapters will come in all at once and that is because . . . I prepare them all on a google doc before hand, you see my grammar is really bad(mostly cause my school sucked at teaching jt) so I apologize if some of it is bad. Prepare on the google doc makes sure I'm not making simple mistake that I don't catch. Anyway enjoy chapter two!



'Ah this speech is so boring, well at least I'm next to Kusuo' ah (YN) you really need to stop with these adorable thoughts, it's getting hard to restrain myself these days. My peaceful thoughts were interrupted by a tall figure covering my eyes, "Guess who!" I turn around to see none other than Nendou,"hey there buddies!" He's the guy no one likes, but for some reason he likes me and (YN). Nendou is a person who I absolutely despise, not only because I can't read his thoughts but he also keeps finding ways to interrupt me and (YN)'s quiet time together. Everything was once again interrupted by Takahashi dropping to the ground making (YN) and Nendou scream and run over to him. "AAH WHAT'S WRONG BUDDY!" as Nendou was freaking out (YN) was trying to yell 'helpful' advice to Nendou.

"Nendou try doing CPR!" Ah (YN) that's not going to help, but you are doing your best so I'm just going to say that it's the right thing. Nendou nodded and proceeded to perform CPR, well I wouldn't say he actually did it well though. 

"Nendou! What do you think you're doing? Take him to the nurse, Saiki, (YN) go with the two of them, I don't trust Nendou will find it," damn it.

We all made it to the nurses office only for Nendou to be pushed to the ground by Takahashi after offering him mouth to mouth again." I didn't need mouth to mouth you stupid idiot!"

"Hey you're better," Nendou really is a dumbass, I worry if (YN) stays around him too much she'll become an idiot too. That wouldn't matter though because I'll love her all the same.

"Of course I'm better I was faking, wasn't worth it though since I got kissed by you!" Nendou tried making Takahashi feel better by saying he was his first kiss but that only made things worse," Now everyone's gonna think Nendou and me are in love," how dumb can these guys get?" Hey you guys better not tell anyone my fainting spell was a fake," 'I can't count that as my first kiss right? That was terrible! If I was gonna get kissed it should've been by (YN) at least!' It seems like this guy has a death wish doesn't he? Did he really think that (YN) would ever kiss somebody like him, I would never let that happen. Oh well he's about to be found out anyway.

"I heard it all!" Matsuzaki appeared from behind the door," so your fainting was a con job huh!?" 'Crap it's gym teacher Matsuzaki!' Ha that's what he gets for talking about my (YN) like that.

"T-that's not what happened sir! I-t's his fault, he forced me to collapse so he could skip the principal's speech, and my sickness is actually a ruse!" Pinning this on Nendou isn't such a bad idea but. . . 'How could he be so mean to Nendou like that, and what kind of half-assed excuse is that! It's not like Matuzaki's gonna believe me though' yeah the problem is (YN) she actually sees Nendou as a good friend which really annoys me. How could he even make her see him as a friend, nobody likes him. 

"Nendou is this true?! Huh Saiki, (YN) what are you doing here?" What?," Takahashi are they also part of this!?" 

"Who? Uh yeah sure," 

"That's it I want all three of you in my office!" really Takahashi I don't really care what happens to me, because I can just get out of it easily, but my dear (YN) doesn't have physics abilities to help her out. How should I get rid of him?

"Hold on a sec' teach! His fainting was real, didn't you just hear him say it, root sickness," we all stare at Nendou, mouths agape 'I worry about you Nendou, how could you mistake ruse for roots?' dammit Nendou how come you've got all of (YN)'s attention today! "What? Isn't it right?" No Nendou, it is not at all right.

"What in the holy heck is roots sickness?" 'roots sickness is a deadly virus that infects the victim through their follicles, this school needs better teachers," ah that one."

"Let's take your temperature to see if you have a fever, my always does that with me,"

'C'mon dude I don't have a fever, I'm not even sick!' Not yet you are.

"92.8°C, Go call an ambulance now!" Takahashi was carried out on a stretcher with (YN), Nendou, and Matsuzaki next to him. I used my pyrokinesis, my ability to manipulate fire. Oops I melted the tip, better hide the evidence, I lit the thermometer on fire and got rid of it only to be seen by Nendou, It's a good thing he's dumb though. I was the next one carried off on a stretcher with (YN) next to me.

"Kusuo you should've stayed home today!" Ah she looks so cute when she's worried like that, this isn't as bad as it seems after I saw (YN) like that, but still I'll have to do something to Takahashi, after all he almost got (YN) in trouble. I'll pay him a visit when he gets out of the hospital, I smirk already having a plan.

"Hey did you hear Takahashi got put back in the hospital," just another normal day at school.

"What really why?" I wonder what (YN) wants for dinner?

"Some guy beat him up really badly, his face is all black and blue," oh there she is.

"Oh Kusuo! Good morning sorry I couldn't walk with you today I had to get here early," finally hearing her voice through her thoughts just isn't the same as hearing it physically.

"It's okay, anyway my mom wants to know what you want for dinner."

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