Chapter Three

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Author's note:
This chapter has to do with snakes, and sorry if you aren't actually afraid of snakes, I just thought it would work well :)


'I'm Shun Kaido, an eleventh grader at P.K. Academy, at least that's my cover story. In reality a force called black beat dwells in my right arm, but they are trying to steal this power from me and create a new world order, I'm referring to, the Dark Reunion, but with my power I will protect the world, I the Jet Black Wings!' Ah 8th graders syndrome a real annoyance. " Hey Kusuo we should hurry up, that guy's acting weird," (YN) said, noticing Kaido giggling to himself. I nodded and held on to (YN) so we could go at the same pace.

"Hey did ya' hear? A deadly snake escaped from the local zoo," 'Oh no, a snake, and a deadly one at that! C'mon I thought this day was actually going well, I got to eat my favorite breakfast, I actually got my homework done, and Kusuo even held onto my arm!' I was just having a fun time listening to (YN)'s thoughts. Ever since we were little (YN) had hated snakes.

"Are you sure it escaped? An animal attack is just the kind of plan they'd come up with," 'huh does Kaido know something?' No (YN), Kaido is the least likely person to know anything about that," fear not I the Jet Black Wings, am never fooled by their evil deceptions! Someone must have let that snake free on purpose."

"Wait really Kaido! You know the guy did it!" Dammit Kaido, now you have (YN)'s attention.

"Some wannabe supervillain called the jet black wings?"

"No I'm Jet Black Wings, the hero! The villains are a secret organization named the Dark Reunion, and this escape is the first set in their evil plot to sort mankind," man this kid sure does like the ramble a lot.

"Dark Reunion!" Everybody said at the same time, "who? Jeez never heard of them," this class is going to make this little kid cry.

"Heh, looks like the fate of the world has once again fallen into our super powered laps eh' Saiki, (YN)?" 'Oh it was Kaido who was laughing to himself this morning' Sometimes I wonder how she can't notice these things right off the bat, I mean he stands out a lot in my opinion. Too bad Kaido doesn't realize that only I'm the one with super powers, not like my (YN) would need a super power to make her any more special, she's already 1000% better than anybody else in this universe. '' Saiki, what's your read? I don't like this one bit, the snake which I've named Murder Dragoram Snake is likley no ordinary snake! It's also likely that Dark Reunion genetically engineered Murder Dragoram Snake specifically to kill people," he likes saying likley.

"Whatever kind of snake it is I'm not gonna deal with it Kaido, I hate snakes they freak me out!" Don't worry (YN) I'll always protect you from anything that could cause you harm.

"Don't worry, if anything goes awry I'll be sure to protect you!" Sorry Kaido but I won't every allow someone who isn't me to protect (YN),  "we're running out of time guys, the world's counting on us to stop that-"

"Hey pretty good news they caught the snake!"

"Well that's a relief, where did they find it?"

"At the schools front gate, it was kinda just laying on the ground half dead," 'Is it possible that me, (YN), and Saiki aren't the only students with super powers?!' No Kaido, there's only one person who actually has them here.

"Well why was it half dead?" 

"Some first graders had been whipping it around," that's one weak ass murder snake.

"Sounds like we beat, dark reunion this time."

"Be careful what you say, they're an all powerful secret society."

"Who knows what they'll do to you when they sort mankind?" 'Even though they're being mean, I can't disagree' (YN) no need to comfort him, he needs to get over this sooner or later.

"Heh go ahead and laugh, this is the calm before the storm, D-dark Reunion is coming, I tried to warn you all I swear," ah there he goes to cry now, hm, woah better get out of here too. I tap (YN) on the shoulder and signal to leave.

"Huh? But why?"

"I'm hungry, come get a snack with me, I'll get you something too," she replied with her shining smile and a nod, getting up from her seat.

"Sure let's go!" 'Ah free food AND time with Kusuo! Today really is great!' I look at her and pet her on the head, it's been getting harder to control myself, but head pats are okay, right? 'AAH! OH MY GOD I'LL VISIT THE SHRINE TODAY TO THANK THE GODS, I'VE TRULY BEEN BLESSED TODAY!' Yep I should definitely do these more often.

"Haha what are you doing? Let's get a move on silly!" 

We walked down the hallway until we passed the bathroom and heard crying." Aw it must be Kaido, I feel so bad, hey Kusuo maybe you can go say something, after all I can't just waltz into the guys bathroom."

"Uh but."

"Please Kusuo, I'll buy you coffee jelly if you do," If you look at me like I have no choice but to listen.

"Fine, oh but don't enter the classroom without me okay."

"Uh okay but why?" Cause there's a poisonous snake in there.

"Just don't," 'huh does Kusuo just want to enter the classroom together? Thats cute!' Although that's not the reason I will accept that thought.

"Hehe okay, but while you're comforting Kaido I'll go get our snacks!" She waved goodbye to me as she went down the hallway.

Now I'm stuck in the bathroom, I can't let (YN) enter the classroom without me doing anything, but then she'll find out I have powers. Ah but that's one issue, the other one is right next to me. Kaido needs to calm down or else (YN) is gonna be disappointed in me for not cheering him up. Now let's see how things are going in the classroom.

"Did somebody see it!?"

"Someone go get a teacher!"

"What a bunch of dorks," oh great Nendous here now, a poisonous snake or Nednou, which one is worse?

"When did you get in here here?!"

"Are your guy's balls still attached?"

"Worry about yours!"

"Mine feel weird"

"Well obviously they do! The snake is on crotch," thanks to Nendou's response of acting dead, things got worse, but don't worry the snake couldn't bite him through the cloth.

"Everybody get down!" Hm? "I'll take care of this snake!" Oh great now he's trying to fight it," alright Murder Dragoram Snake it's time you face me the Jet Black Wings! Lets go!" Why is he even doing this, he's about to piss himself out of fear. 'Why did I think I could fight a snake?! I'm so stupid!' Yes you are. The snake lunged towards a girl but Kaido jumped right in front of her, oh well it was nice knowing you. 'Oh no I'm screwed, I love you mommy!'," take this! Judgement Lights of Thunder!" Oh well Kaido did actually do something good for once (YN) would have been scared if she heard someone got attacked. I walked out the bathroom to see (YN) waiting for me.

"Huh did Kaido already leave?" I nodded," oh well did you cheer him up?"

"Uh kinda?" I made him believe he had super powers, I think that's enough.

"Good job! Today I'll be treating you to some coffee jelly as a reward now let's get going, after all class hasn't ended yet!" Today is a great day if I get to spend it with (YN) and get coffee jelly. 

We walked back to the classroom, but only for (YN) to see people cheering for Kaido,"Huh? What happened?"

"Kaido got rid of the snake!"


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