Chapter Six

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“What Minako said yes?!”  Ah it’s that time of the year when love is in full blossom, considering my attitude most of the time you’d think I don’t understand basic human feelings, but that is where you are wrong. Usually I didn’t have a problem because it was just (YN) who was madly in love with me, but now there are more pests growing on the sideline. Like Teruhashi, ever since that day in the shopping district, she’s taken an interest in me. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, if Teruhashi was a completely normal girl.

“C’mon Teruhashi when are you gonna get a boyfriend?” In her own words she's ‘a perfect  pretty girl’ so it’s not exactly easy to shake her off.

“Well, I just think I’m too young to be dating~, studying should be our main focus as students,” That’s what she says on the outside but on the inside she’s actually thinking, ‘Actually I don’t get involved with immature brats, his annual income should be at least 40 million yen!’ Also she just looks like a bunch of fleshy muscles to me, it’s been hard to control, but I’ve been getting better at controlling my X-ray vision, the first time I noticed (YN) looking like that I’m pretty sure I broke into tears. Now that I’ve addressed one of the current pests, it’s time for the other one. ‘Ah~ Saiki always looks so dreamy’ Chiyo Yumehara, ‘Oh Saiki, I just can’t stop thinking of you these days! Ah, sweet Saiki I have such a huge crush on you!~’ Oh here come (YN) just in time.

“Kusuo! Sorry to ask you this but can you let me copy your notes again?” I nod and hand her them, and just to give Yumehara the right idea, I pat (YN) on the head. ‘W-What?! (YN) and Saiki, no way’ Sorry Yumehara but yes way, ‘W-wait Chiyo you know they’re good friends, plus if they aren’t going out now I still have a chance!’ . . . really? I guess I’m gonna have to step it up a notch.

“Um, Kusuo how long are you gonna keep petting my head?” Oh, guess I didn’t realize.

“Till I feel like stopping.”
“Well class is starting soon so. . .” Shit, I guess I’ll stop for now. I take my hand away and look out the window, “Anyway, I don’t have club today so can we stop at the library before we go, I need to check for a book,” I nod my head and she makes her way back to her seat, ‘Kusuos been petting my head a lot lately, wonder why?’ 

‘Here he comes, and he’s all by himself! Now’s my chance, okay remember the plan! First we’ll bump into each other at the corner, papers flying everywhere! “Hey, are you okay? Let me help you with these” “Oh, uh yeah thank you!” our hands touch as we try to pick up the papers! “Oh um sorry” “Oh it’s okay!” “hehehe” ‘“You have such small hands” It’s the perfect plan!” Good grief doesn't she notice that (YN) is with me now, oh well, anyway I have a plan to mess this up. Before Yumehara could bump into us I took (YN)’s hand and dodged, causing her to actually just fall and have papers fly everywhere.

“Oh no Yumehara, are you okay?” Why is (YN) wasting her time on her?, “here let me help you!”
“Uh? Oh um sure” ‘W-what just happened? Did I mistake Saik for (YN)?! Ah but that was really nice of (YN) to help me’ badump. What? What was that just no? Did I just hear a badump? From Yumehara?

‘Okay I may have failed last time but there’s alway the next plan, the handkerchief plan! First I’ll drop it by his feet, then he sees it and says, “Hey I think you dropped this, smells like a sunny day!” hehe this has to work, and plus even if he doesn’t notice the handkerchief, I’ll still have an excuse to talk to him! Okay you can do it Chiyo!” 

“Hey Yumehara I think you dropped this!” ‘That doesn’t sound like Saiki! Wait don’t tell me it’s!’ 

“Oh, thanks (YN), again” badump. Yeah why is (YN) popping up out of nowhere today? I mean I guess I should owe her one for getting Yumehara off my back, but I keep hearing these badump sounds coming from Yumehara and if it’s what I think it is, this whole thing is gonna be worse than before!

The day continued on with Yumehara chasing after Saiki, and with (YN) unknowingly helping Saiki, until the day came to an end. 

‘Maybe me and Saiki just aren’t meant to be together, great on top of everything I forgot my umbrella, wait that’s it! I bet Saiki brought his umbrella, he seems like the responsible type! “Wow it’s really pouring out there, ah, I um, Hi would you like to join me under my umbrella?” ah his smile is as warm and as bright as the sun! Finally the perfect plan!’ “Thanks for coming with me Kusuo! I found it a lot quicker than I thought I would! Wow it’s really raining out there!” I just want to go home at this point, Yumehara has been following us around all day, “huh? Yumehara do you not have an umbrella?” really I thought we were done with this.

“Oh um no I don’t have one.”

“Hm, then how about you have mine? I don’t mind, I could always use Kusuos!” ‘badump, badump, badump, badump, badump, AH! Maybe it wasn’t Saiki I was destined to be with, but maybe it was (YN)! Now that I notice it, she is very cute and she’s also so nice to me!’ And this is what I feared the most. Before Yumehara could grab the umbrella I pulled (YN) away and started walking.”Huh? Kusuo? What about Yumehara?”

“Don’t worry about her, look behind her, see she’s already talking to someone else.”

“Oh um I guess so, but why am I still under your umbrella? I can use my own now.” 

“Cause I want to share my umbrella with you okay?”

“O-oh, um yeah that’s okay” ‘Today was kinda tiring bumping into Yumehara all the time, but hearing Kusuo say things like that makes me feel energized already.’ I’m glad my words make you feel like that (YN) but I may have a bigger problem now because of you, I doubt the guy I made approach Yumehara will last long now that she has her eyes set on (YN).

‘Huh? Why did Saiki take (YN) away?! Ugg now I have no chance at all!’ “Wanna share my umbrella?”


“Not only for this downpour, but also the rain of tears falling down on your heart, please let me be the umbrella for your overcast heart” ‘This boy. . . I just met my soulmate!” Nevermind I guess he was actually a good choice, oh well, have fun Yumehara. 

The Disastrous Love of Saiki K! (Yandere Kusuo Saiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now