Chapter Four

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Ah today has been a good day so far, shopping with (YN), everything has gone smoothly, and the lines at the store weren't long, it truly is a peaceful-'My name is Kokomi Teruhashi, and not to sound arrogant but I'm the example of a perfect pretty girl, again I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just stating a fact.' And I stand corrected, here comes the, so called 'perfect' pretty girl. Can't I just have one peaceful day with (YN)? I don't like Teruhashi for multiple reasons, not only does she attract attention, and she is invincible, but it's also cause (YN) feels so inferior to her when she's around, she's always thinking that I would much rather have a girl like Teruhashi, if only she could also read minds she would understand why that's impossible.'Oh those guys are in my class! What are their names? , Sega? Sake? Saiki! Kunio Saiki and (YN) (LN)! Oh those poor things, I should go say hi and brighten their day! Because remember I'm not only pretty on the outside but also the inside!'

"Saiki, (YN)! hi~, Saiki I couldn't help but notice you look sad,"'Perfect now he has a memory to cherish for the rest of his life! Not only did you get to be seen talking to the prettiest girl not only that, she was the one who rushed over to you! I bet you've fallen in love~ that's okay, even though we're on separate social levels, it's a natural response to my beauty! How else are you supposed to react to perfection?' I'll tell you how, a simple nod and being to walk away. 

"Um Kusuo was that okay? She looks pretty shocked, shouldn't you at least say hi back?" Thanks for the advice (YN) but trust me she's not someone you want to stick around with. 

"Yeah, plus she didn't even say anything to you (YN)," (YN) responds by nodding her head slowly and continuing our walk. Making (YN) think bad about herself is already something punishable by death, but also ignoring her? I really should get rid of her soon. 'I guess Kusuo is right, but I would understand ignoring someone like me, after all isn't Kusuo every girl's ideal man?' Thanks (YN), but I don't plan on dating anyone else but you. I pat (YN)'s and smile at her, "Good as long as you understand," from the corner of my eye I see Teruhashi with an even more shocked face, after all she just thought I didn't like showing my emotions in public. 'W-what?! H-how come, ah I see maybe he's just trying to seem cool in front of me, it's understandable, I mean not to sound mean but (YN) is nothing compared to me~, alright shy guy I'll give you one more shot. Cause remember I'm not just beautiful, I'm nice~ I'm the perfect pretty girl!'

"Saiki~ silly you know it's not polite to ignore a girl!" I know, that's why I'm ignoring you.'He didn't even stop, let alone bow! Am I invisible? Am I dead? Oh I know he's probably so alone and miserable that any pretty girls who talk to him are just illusions! Well I'm going to have to prove to him that I'm real and make this the happiest day of his life!~' Please leave us alone Teruhashi, and come on did you just forget about (YN), she's one thousand times more perfect than you are! "Saiki don't leave me alone!" . . . 'HE DODGED?! But if he thinks I'm an illusion why would he have to step around me?! Is it possible that he's so in love, even touching my illusion would be too much! It's very flattering to know I mean so much to this poor pathetic boy.' Come on really, how long will it take to realized I'm purposely ignoring her, "Saiki hi~," She's too arrogant to even realized that I'm ignoring her, but if I was the kind of guy she thought I was, all that she is saying would probably be true, or not, nothing will ever change my feelings for (YN), I am her devoted (boy)friend for eternity. "Hey where are you going? Mind if I tag alone with you? I promise it'll be fun Saiki!" Now It's getting annoying, today was supposed to be a relaxing fun day with (YN) and now I have to shake off Teruhashi. Wait, that's Nendou! This is bad, she thinks I think she's fake, but if Nendou acknowledges her I have no choice but to talk to her as well! I simply can't let that happen, I'll just have to blend in with the crowd. I grab (YN)'s hand and start walking, phew it seems like he didn't see us-.

"Huh? I thought I just saw one of my best friends, oh hey (YN)!" 

"Oh? Hi Nendou!" Where did Kusuo go? I lost him in the crowd, but I thought he was holding my hand?," Anyways I have to go, I lost someone, see you later!"

"Oh no where did Saiki go? What's going on?!" Woopsie, I accidentally teleported,"SAIKI?!" The people around didn't seem to notice but (YN) and Teruhashi did, well maybe it's best if you think I'm the illusion,"Huh? Nendou?"

"Oh wow! Hey there Teruhashi!"

"Do you know where Saiki went?"

"What, buddy? Nope haven't seen him! 'It's like he disappeared! Is it possible he was a figment of my imagination? Wait, you're so much in love with me you see illusions of me<3. N-no, it can't be, don't tell me, I'm in love with Saiki?!' Oh wow, Teruhashi. . .

"Hmm I wonder where he is?" Don't worry I'm still here, "Oh there you are Kusuo, I was worried for a bit," I smile at her and grab her hand.

"Yeah, sorry about that, anyway let's  get going (YN)." 

The Disastrous Love of Saiki K! (Yandere Kusuo Saiki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now