Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I am pretty fucking sure that when I signed the fucking work papers to fucking work here I am fucking sure that in that fucking paper works said not to fucking go agianst my fucking will. But noooooo they fucking let this fucking asshole took me in this fucking car with fucking him.

This is the worst day of my life.

Well fuck.

*Back to 10:23PM*

I am very happy that my boss believe in me so much that he lets me handle our new VIP customer. I really am happy so I couldn't help but smile widely like a teen that just got high. I laugh at my own joke, even though it's not but you gotta admit that it's pretty funny. I giggled at the thought.

I picked up the VIP menu from the menu table before I made my way to the Golden VIP table. I put on my bestest smile, if that even a word, as I open the VIP curtain which quickly stole my smile away. I let out a loud gasped as my hands come quick together covering my mouth, letting the menu fall out of my hands making, also, a loud noise. I was so scared or afriad that I didn't notice that my VIP customer is now looking at me madly.

Okay, now I am offcially the very unluckiest person that is still living on earth.

He walked to me quickly, I saw nothing in his eyes but anger. Okay he looked pissed off. I started to understand what is going on so I quickly come to my sense and put my legs into action but it was already too late because he got my right wrist. I tried to shaked his arm off of me which only made him angrier and yanked me toward him roughly. I let out a loud moan then using my both hands to pause him off but to my luck I can't even get my both wrists out of his one big palm.

"Get YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME YOU PSYCHO" I yelled at him angrily then tried to shake him off of me again. Keyword tried. I did really tried, I tried hard.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing in here? Not to fucking mention that you dress like a fucking slut" He hissed at me.

"I'm working you piece of shit"I yelled at him harshly not worrying about people looking around us. I know I dressed like a fucking slut but I need money to feed my family, his son and daughter. Even though he doesn't know about them but still they're his babies and mine. I tried to tell him but all I got in return were him calling me a fucking slut then fucking shut me out, obviously shut the door in my damn face.

"Oh my god" A similar gasped coming out of nowhere before a small hand yanking my left hand out of Rogan reached. Right now I'm in the middle of them like the meat inside of the sandwich.

"Let her go" Candy hissed threateningly at Rogan. Hopefully he'll get scared and let go of my hand but knowing him he probably only give her a cold hard stare before yanked me back hard and rough.

I looked at Rogan then shake my right wrist trying to get it back even though I know I have no such luck. "She said let go you psycho". Definitely I shouldn't have said that because it obviously pissed him off and yanked me back to him. Since I'm short, my face land back on his hard abs. 8 packs to be exact. I looked up at him, his eyes weren't on me nor Candy but on Zack, his ex assistance, or in another word, his most trusted person.

"We're going home"

"Let her go." Zack said calmly with his eye shut tight, but we all know he's shaking in the inside. He's too afraid of Rogan for his own good, well working with Rogan more than 10 years can do that to a person, my poor Zack.

Rogan look at Zack, who still has his eyes close, his eyes shows nothing but anger and hate. His left fist clenching tightly showing his veins while his right hand wrapping around me even tighter. I tried to at the show at the back of me, I frowned knowing that this is not going to end any time soon, it does cause me a little headache. I took a deep breath tried to calm myself down then a wave of Rogan's smell hit me. It's fresh and minty nothing like before. He used to smell like flower most of the time Jasmine.

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