Chapter 22

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The day went by slowly.

I had watched some of the boys come in and out of the house taking trips to the store and what not. I had barely spoken all day as well, it was somewhat different.

Before I met everyone I wouldn't of questioned a quiet day with little to no conversation but now it felt awkward, almost too silent.

I was out in the garden at this point, wanting to entertain myself. I had walked a good few circles around the house taking note of the smaller details of the garden I hadn't noticed before, soon coming to a stop to look out towards the lake.

Nostalgia maybe.

The wind hitting my face while I listened out for any sign of sife besides nature.

Right on que I felt a pair of arms come around my waist pulling me back into a chest. This warmth I had gotten so used to.

In a little over 4 months the boys would leave and my life would most likely return to before, I would probably never see them again.

I let out a sigh.

"are you okay?" jungkook calls out from behind me, tightening his grip as he rests his head on my shoulder.
"I'm just.. Thinking I guess" I reply not wanting him to know my thoughts.

I smile, turning in his hold to return the hug.

I feel him chuckle which also makes me do the same.

Oh god how will my life be when they leave.
Would it be fair for me to miss them.

"jungkook, y/n! What are you doing? ~" the deep voice belonged to taehyung who was jogging over to where we stood.

He raised his arms in the air as a huge boxy grin spread across his face. Soon enough I feel his weight over the top of us both as he engulfs us into a bear hug. I can't help but let out a laugh, reaching one of my arms around his waist as my other remained around jungkook.

We was laughing and giggling amongst ourselves in our little group hug that I didn't notice hoseok had joined until I felt his presence behind me.

I pause my laughter and turn to face him, he greets me with a smile as he joins the laughter, his arms wrapped around my stomach with my back pressed tightly against his chest.

I didn't have time to think or feel conscious of any of the three because seconds later I feel my feet lift from the ground, I let out a squeak glaring down the outstretched arms that belonged to namjoon.

"n-namjoon?!" I shout out.

"yes princess?" he grins and I can't help but giggle, he brings me closer to him and I instinctively put my arms around his neck and cross my legs around his waist. I notice his cheeks flush slightly but he keeps his hold on me, grinning once again when he notices my stares.

I look out to the others as namjoon does the same.

Taehyung had jimin over his shoulder as jungkook chased the two back into the house while Jinssi shouted as the three almost knocked the boy over. Hoseok had disappeared back inside, I'm assuming to go find yoongi and then just me and namjoon stood watching in amusement.

"when will you put me down?" I question worrying my weight would be too much, he must have held me for a good few minutes now.
"hmmm.. How about never?" he hummed out
I hit his chest jokingly and Laugh.

He sends me a look "you shouldn't hit me princess you don't wanna know the consequences" his tone was almost a growl but I hold the immense eye contact before shouting out to my saviour.


I smirk down to namjoon when I see the older appear in the doorway a spatula in hand.

Namjoons face whitens slightly "y-ya! That's not fair!" I laugh but soon come to regret my decision when the boy decides to take off with me still in hand, he held me tightly to his chest as he ran, finally coming to a stop once he notices he has infact been cornered by the older.

"I think you should put me down before eomma Jin makes you pay" I hum out, shuffling to try and get out of his grasp until namjoon tightens his arms bringing me closer to the point of no space between us.

"don't worry y/n ah eomma will save you" I giggle at Jinssis comment thanking him mentally but loving the game.
The two boys converse through their eyes and I switch my gaze back and forth between the two.

Namjoon lowers me and I feel my feet finally touch ground after a good 10 minutes, he steps back but not before smirking to the elder as he places his hand on my cheek. I blush trying to look back over to Jinssi but to no avail as namjoon holds my face in place.

"w-what's wrong?" I try not to stutter out

He smiles.

Squishing my cheeks before placing a kiss to my forehead "You're just so cute~" he finishes off as he takes his leave "Let's play again y/nah~" namjoon chuckles out waving from the door way of the room he had ran into.

I return my gaze to Jinssi who was glaring at the boys figure down the hallway hearing him sigh out.

I walk up behind him tapping him on the shoulder "you okay?" I whisper out staring into his eyes once he returned his attention to me.

"I just think sometimes the boys are a little.. Too energetic" he chuckles to himself as a soft smile sets on his lips.

"wanna help with lunch?"

I hum a yes in response linking my arm with his outstretched one as we walk back to the kitchen.


Aren't cute chapters the best 🥺

I wrote this while in online class I literally love getting ideas at random times ✨

Hope yall having a good day~ or night~ or evening~ or morning~

Remember to drink some water today 💜

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