Chapter 30

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I made myself more comfortable in my seat with a smirk across my face. This boy really thought i wouldnt notice.

"haha..okay so promise you wont snitch" he chuckled out. I raised my brow once again before nodding my head as he continued.

"actually.. well i guess i should start from the last year i actually came back to korea.." he trailed out as he sent me a sincere look. I leant forward in my seat shocked he had been back a whole year and only just decided to tell me.

I cut him off before he could continue "wait wait so your telling me you have been in korea for a whole ass year and you only just decide to show yourself?? one ouch and two what about america?" I shot my questions out just as fast as i could think them.

"i was getting to that until you cut me off" he deadpanned.

I relaxed my posture signalling for him to explain.

"so anyway last year i met this group online and i started training secretly until they said to join them in korea and long story short i told my mum i got a job offer which is how i snuck off to korea to..join their group.." he rambled out to which i could only sit in silence and take in the new found information.

"g-group?" I finally managed to mutter out.

Jackson shuffled in his seat "a kpop group..d-dont worry its proper if you know what i mean like i'm with a company and the guys are cool as hell.." he stuttered out which only made him more flustered.

A small laugh escaped my throat as i stared at his now serious eyes "for real..i thought you was going to say gang for a second haha.. im happy for you" I didnt know what else to say.

A soft smile rested on his lips as he sank back in his seat "and i wont snitch. So did you meet these guys last night?" I asked to lighten the mood slightly.

he nodded his head vigarously "yeah they arent staying too far from here which is why i ended up dropping by but..we got a call from the company last night saying we had to head back tomorrow so.."

"so you cant stay much longer" i finished off as i let out a sigh. I hadnt seen him in so long but our time was now cut short. Jackson noticed the mood drop and decided to change the subject.

"back to you then my little y/n-ie~" he sang out, this time a nervous chuckle was all i could manage.

He let out a deep breathe as his smile returned to his face "im happy for you" he grinned out which only made it contagious.

Jackson stood from his seat and walked over to where i also now stood "im going to miss you" i mumbled out as he pulled me in for a hug.

"if they so much as hurt a hair on your head let me know and me and the guys will sort them out!" he shouted out which only made me laugh

"now you're really starting to sound like you're in a gang" i giggled as we both gave one last sqeeze before breaking the embrace.

"lets go check on your guys "  he smirked out as my face grew a shade of red.


The day soon passed us.

I had spent the majority of my time with jackson only occasionally being pulled away and into the arms of one of the boys even if only a mere second to which i had happily accepted.

I explained to them about jackson leaving sooner than expected and they seemed to understand well enough to give us both the time of day with each other, i also noticed how some even became happier with the news.

Honestly it felt good having someone here as a distraction. I dont think i could manage a minute alone without memories of last night flooding in.

I blushed at the thought as i remember my own cringy confession.


we all took places around the living room as we relaxed for the evening.
Jackson was by my side flashing his phone infront of my eyes every so often to show me strange or cute pictures of him and his group over the past year while i distracted myself in conversation with both taehyung and jimin.

I felt overwhelming happiness as i zoned out in my seat taking in the small moments like right now to think back to in the future.

if only i could capture this whole night in a picture.


i felt a hand tug at my shoulder and a husky voice call out

"y/n-ie wake up~"


"w-what..?" I yawned out. He continued to shake at my arm until i managed to open an eye.

I looked the man up and down before squinting towards the clock '5am'

When did i fall asleep?

"what do you want at 5 in the morning.." i whinned out as i proped myself up and push the single blanket off my legs to sit up.

"Lets go somewhere, it wont take long i promise. Ive got to leave soon" he whinned out. I let out a sigh as raised from the sofa.

Looking around i noticed the boys werent around like usual to which i could only assume they had gone up to bed at some point.

I dragged myself behind jackson up to my room who quickly threw an outfit my way before rushing back down the stairs. a joyus look in his eyes.

I could only smile down at the outfit he had picked before rushing myself to get ready.


After walking for roughly 10 minutes i finally began to pick up on where we was heading.

I silently grinned to myself as i continued to follow.


Jackson 🥺

Please stay safe everyone~

see you all next update 💜

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