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"I will tell you what you need to know. Just so you understand what kind of person he is."

She was taking this chance to manipulate their views on him. Planting doubt on their mind would shift their way of thinking.

'I'm starting to believe you should be placed in Slytherin.' Harr muttered.

Lyra simply smirked.

She received nods, before she continued,

"Tom Marvolo Riddle. He was conceived under a love potion, and he's a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin. He is also the heir of Slytherin, and he is a true Slytherin. He got all the traits, cunning, ambitious, and he is a parseltongue. He was head boy back in his Hogwarts days, a brilliant student, and is a master manipulator. He's a master Legilimens, and Occlumency. He used to work at Borgin and Burkes, and he became a pureblood supremacist because of his hate towards his father, Tom Riddle. He changed his name into Voldemort because he hates being named after his father." She explained, that was the basics, nothing too important.

"What about him as the Dark Lord?"

"There's nothing much I can tell you without revealing too much of the future." She admitted.

"But I can tell you that if you do choose his side, you won't win." Okay, lies, but manipulation.

"And why is that?" Rosier raised an eyebrow.

"Because I know his weaknesses and his secrets." She scoffed.

"And if you do end up taking his side, he will eventually perish, and you will have to deal with the consequences. And no, you can't just tell them you were under the Imperius Curse. And also no, you won't be able to bribe them with money. Because this Christmas, I will be visiting the Ministry with my father. And my family will be funding for Veritaserums." She sternly said.

This caused them to stay quiet.

"Besides, once you join his side, you're offering your undying loyalty. Which means, even if he does perish, you will be an outcast to the Wizarding World, or you would be sent off to Azkaban. And no, you won't be able to do anything even if you tell the Dark Lord about me. I've placed a Charm on you lot. If you do spill my secrets, well, let's just say you won't be able to move properly for a few months, probably years. And also, no, he or anyone else for the matter, could use Legilimens on me. I'm skilled at both Legilimens and Occlumency. And also no, veritaserums don't work on me because I have the counter potion." She informed them.


Death works really strangely. Death isn't something to mess with, and most importantly, death doesn't give second chances. If it were to happen, then you can't stop death. A life for a life, wasn't it? That was what she was told.

"There is no way to escape death, Miss Carrington." Professor Dumbledore said,

"There is a price to pay for anyone who interferes with death, a life for a life."

"But Professor, if we knew the futur-"

"Time isn't something you mess with either, Miss Carrington."

"If there is a way to save everyone, then it's a risk worth to take!" She yelled,

"You can't interfere with death." Dumbledore reminded once more, there was a grave expression on his face.

That wasn't entirely true though. She had meddled with time, it wasn't exactly a choice either. But there was nothing she could do to go back, and if she were to go back, she'd certainly be dead. This was a second chance, death gave her a second chance.

It was still true, that no one could escape death. Everyone would meet death at the end, but she would want everyone to meet them when they were ready. So it was an opportunity, she could meddle with time and death. She chose to change the future, because the one she came from was utterly hopeless, and horrible. She would make sure it wouldn't happen.

So there she was, standing in front of an empty wall in the middle of the seventh floor corridor. She had to collect all the horcruxes as soon as she could, and right now, she also needed a place to plan.

It wouldn't be as easy as it looks. None of it would be, every situation she would have to deal with could cost her life. One wrong move, and there was no way out. She couldn't afford to make any mistakes, she only had one shot.

War isn't something you take lightly. The choices were either kill, or be killed. Whether they liked it or not, it had to be. But she would try her best to avoid dabbling with Dark Arts. Not only does Dark Arts is absolutely dangerous, it rips apart of ourselves.

Just like how it had done to Tom Riddle. Splitting his souls into seven pieces, it was incredibly stupid and reckless. The handsome, charming boy was no longer there, only a hideous, evil monster. That's what Dark Arts does to someone.

The Killing Curse doesn't necessarily changes our physical body, but it does affect greatly to our mentality. Using a Killing Curse could possibly turn someone insane, especially if that special someone was carried with guilt. The ones who had no problem doing it, would not be as affected as others.

One of those people was Lilith Carrington, or now known as Lyra Hyperion. As much as she is a good person, she has a darker side of her. Her weakness was her family and friends, and if one of them ever gets hurt, she would not hesitate to throw a Cruciatus Curse. Though she was known as an incredibly kind person, she wasn't a saint, and she was most definitely not to be messed with.

Lyra Hyperion isn't a coward. She's a lion at heart, and she would always fight for what she deems right. And she's most certainly not afraid to kill someone, especially those who has killed and tortured innocent people. You can't call her a saint, because she's far from one, and she was far from perfect. That was what everybody needed to learn.

However, a Killing Curse isn't something everyone could cast. You need a deep root of hatred towards a person to cast it. Her root, was of course, Tom Marvolo Riddle. No, it wasn't only because he has killed and tortured countless of people, but because he used her.

On her sixth year of Hogwarts, she had the unfortunate luck of stumbling into Tom Riddle. Of course, like any teenage girl, she fell for his charms and dashing good looks. It all started when she saw a black diary left on an empty corridor. She, being the curious girl she was, took it only to find it empty.

She began writing to the diary, and to her surprise, it wrote back. It began happening all too currently, until she noticed that people started getting petrified, and the diary seemed to be missing often.

It didn't take long for her to figure out that it was a dangerous thing, but she already fell for the sixteen year old Tom Riddle. She told herself, that he dabbled through Dark Arts a long time ago, but she wasn't to sure. He started manipulating her, trying to turn her against her friends, especially Harry.

It was the only thing that snapped her out of the manipulative trance she was in. Harry. The boy she took under her wing. Her love for the boy she took in was much greater than anything she felt for Tom Riddle, so she threw the book away. Until, of course the diary found its way back to Ginny Weasley, who had been in the possession of the diary before her.

That was one of the things that made her hate Tom Riddle. He tried to manipulate her, and he tried to kill innocent kids. Kids she cared about, nonetheless.

That was when she realized how vile, evil, and cruel Lord Voldemort is. The root of her hatred.

There was no other feeling than hatred towards the man, not even a single attraction from what she felt years ago. It was all filled with hate.

So, it would depend on her to kill the Dark Lord. It won't be easy, and she wasn't sure if she was the person who would shoot the last curse at him, but no matter who it was, Voldemort had to die.

Since there was no need to obtain the Ravenclaw diadem, considering she would be keeping the horcruxes in the Room of Requirement, she only spared a glance towards the horcrux before making her way to the couch, to start planning.

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