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His eyes never left the girl the whole night. James Potter was absolutely mesmerized by the sight of his best friend, she looked like an angel. Even he could barely glance at Lily's way, he was simply to caught up at her.

"She looks beautiful, doesn't she?" Remus asked the boy beside him, glancing to the girl whow as laughing at something someone said.

"Yeah. Absolutely breathtaking." James breathed out.

Remus glanced curiously at the boy, he hadn't seen James try to talk to Lily the whole night, nor did he even spare a glance her way. But he finally knew why, James Potter couldn't take his eyes off his best friend.

He didn't blame him though, she did look absolutely gorgeous, and most people there couldn't take their eyes off her. Both men and women. James' parents had gotten to know the girl and her parents further, and they fell in love with the kind and humble family she had.

James heard his mother mumbling about having a daughter in law like her, which caused him to flush and a send a glare her way, in case anyone else heard what she said. Remus' parents fell in love with the girl too, because they had heard about stories Remus would tell about her.

About how she knew he was a werewolf from the beginning, and trusted him enough to wait for him to tell her, or how she stuck by his side even after finding out he was a werewolf, or creating two potions so she could help Remus with his transformation, or even how she would always take great care of him.

Lots of people had heard about the stories of the loving and caring Lyra Hyperion, who was always there to help someone in need. They admired her for that. Even the Slytherins she had gotten closer to, and even her parents' friends and co-workers.

That night, Lyra Hyperion made sure her guest felt comfortable, and she politely declined every attempt of flirting she received from older men, younger men, and men her age. She was flattered, of course, but she was also slightly uncomfortable. So, when she finally had the chance to get away from the creepy man who worked at the ministry, she was relieved.

She made her way towards her Gryffindor friends, and noticed James was glaring at the glass of punch on his hands, which were holding onto the glass dangerously tightly. Lyra reached out to touch his arms, which immediately softened his expression. He turned towards the girl and greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, love."

"Are you alright? You seem a bit tense." She frowned worriedly.

"I'm alright, love. What about you? Was that man bothering you?" He turned to glare at the man who previously tried to flirt with her shamelessly.

"It's fine, I could handle him." She waved it off.

"How are you enjoying the party so far?" She questioned her friends.

"Oh, it's delightful!" Lily beamed at her.

"Of course, it is, Evans. We get to stare at a gorgeous girl all night, who also happens to be the host of this party." Sirius wiggled his eyebrows, flirting with her.

James turned discreetly and sent him a death glare, which went unnoticed by everyone else except Lily, who raised an eyebrow. Lyra simply laughed at his attempt of flirting and said,

"I'm flattered, Padfoot."

"You should be, I don't compliment a lot of people you know?" Sirius smirked cockily.

"Oh yeah, not a lot-" Lyra started,

"-Probably just every girl you see-"Remus continued,

"-Just to get into their pants." James finished.

Sirius faked an offended look, but they all burst out laughing.

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