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The first term of Lyra's seventh year went by like a flash. Everything happened so quick, the busy year she had was tiring for her. The first term consisted of tutoring, teaching the dueling clubs, patrolling every inch of the castle for any signs of danger.

It only used to be patrolling for students out of bed, but this time, things were very different. Students became more paranoid each day, with the dramatically increasing numbers of attack on muggles, muggle-borns, and half-bloods.

Something that changed, was the Slytherins' act. During the start of the school year, most of them were smug because of the fact that they thought they were on the winning side of the war.

Oh how wrong they were.

What they didn't know, was that Lyra was five steps in front of them. She had everything she needed, all she had to do left was wait.

The Slytherins became an outcast, hateful looks shot towards their direction whenever they walk past. Wary looks from the Professors during classes, it was bearable at first, until the whispering. Whispers of rumors spread like wildfire, and for them, everything changed.

The once who bully people, was now bullied. Treated like an inferior by fellow students, and even some Professors.

Lyra felt bad for them, as she had always been, she was never one for stereotypes. But the thought of them supporting a racist, hypocritical, cruel bastard, was enough for her to ignore it. She felt guilty, of course, but she would never tolerate someone who supports a problematic person, because that itself, is problematic.


Their graduation were set today, and the seventh years were dressed in their school robes, lining up on outside the door to the Great Hall. Parents and students were seated in the back, while the staff's table was temporarily removed as a stage.

This graduation was by far the biggest crowd, considering most students wanted to watch their tutor graduate and thank her for always being there for her. They were all dressed in some formal robes.

Regulus was seated between Imelda and Apollo, and next to them were Euphemia and Fleamont, then Remus' and Lily's parents, Peter's mother and grandmother, Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice's parents. Then beside them was Andromeda, Ted Tonks and their daughter Nymphadora.  Some of Lyra's friends who graduated attended, along with Theodore Nott and Evan Rosier.

Behind the doors of the Great Hall, Lily was panicking.

"Oh my God, I can't believe this! We're graduating! No more classes, no more feasts, no more library!" Lily cried out,

"Lils, you need to calm down." Lyra chuckled in amusement,

"This is not the time for you to laugh at me! I'm not ready to leave this place!" She sniffed.

Lyra simply smiled softly at the girl, rubbing her back soothingly.

"Hey, hey.. When are we ever ready, Lils?" She questioned,

"I know.. I don't ever want to leave this place. This is a mark that we've grown up, we're no longer teenagers. How are you not panicking?" The red-head in question sighed.

"I don't want to leave this place either, love. And I've grown up a long time ago.." She smiled sadly, remembering her past life and every single tragedy she's seen.

"Why am I the one panicking? You're the one to be giving the speech, you're supposed to be nervous!" She exclaimed, chuckling through tears.

Lyra simply shook her head lightly and pressing a soft kiss on the red-head's forehead.

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