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Robin : You seem to have no energy, Cerberus-san.

She says to the poor Cerberus, which was 'tamed' by Luffy. It was carrying him and Franky, the others were walking.

Luffy : If something this interesting popped out as soon as we entered, then I'm looking this island!!

Franky : Once we leave the moat, the forest is in front of us...

(Y/N) : Luffy, you hit him pretty badly, you know.

He says looking at the Cerberus.

Zoro : Well you shouldn't sympathize with the losers ; It'll affect his pride.

(Y/N) : Guess, you're right.

After walking a bit further they saw something.

(Y/N) & Luffy : EEHH!?

(Y/N) : A middle aged man tree

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(Y/N) : A middle aged man tree...

Luffy : And a unicorn are having a
drink together...

They both yeet at the two creatures.

Luffy : I caught it!!

(Y/N) : Me too!! These are rare!!

He says holding the unicorn's throat.

Luffy : You guys!! Do you want to be pirates with-

Zoro & Sanji : No way!!

Time skip

Sanji : I told you stop trying to make all kinds of things your nakama!!

The Straw hats and the Cerberus were walking through the jungle.

Sanji : We already have a racoon and a robot, among other things!!!

Franky : Oi!! I'm not a robot!! I'm a cyborg, you dork!!

Sanji : Well you're not a human anymore, that's for sure!!

Franky : I'm based on a human!!

(Y/N) : Stop yelling.

Sanji : You're based on something abnormal!!

Franky : Eh... We'll, if you understand that much.

He says rubbing the back of his head.

Sanji : No, I'm not praising you!!

Luffy : What's gonna come out next~~

Robin : Like the "Tree Man" and that "Unicorn" we just saw...

(Y/N) : Hm?

Robin : The common denominators for the odd creatures in this forest are the bandages scars from the stitches and numbers engraved on there body.

(Y/N) : Numbers? That means these things are being monitored.

Luffy suddenly perks up.

Luffy : Hm? I can hear something.

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