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Jinbe : You see!? Why in the world did you guys bring the princess here!!?

Luffy just deflected another axe.

(Y/N) : It's fine, she's got us, right?

Shirahoshi : Yes!

Jinbe : Outrageous...!

Luffy : So this is the grave she was talking about, huh?

Luffy : She's been sitting there for ages...

Jinbe : That's the resting place of her mother, Queen Otohime...

(Y/N) : Thought so... She's been sealed in that room for ten years... She must have many things to say to her mother now...

Nami : (Y/N)-KUN!!!

(Y/N) : Hm?

Nami and Camie came in a fish taxi.

(Y/N) : Yo, Nami!! Has the banquet started yet!!?

Sanji : Nami-swaaan!!

Chopper : Yep, he's cured.

Smol Time skip.

Jinbe : Is this true!? Hordy did such a thing!?

Jinbe : To think that Ryuguu Palace has fallen into such peril..!!

(Y/N) : What about Zoro and the others, then!?

Nami : I don't know. I was going to go back for them once I found you....

Shirahoshi : Father has been captured!? I cannot believe it...!!

Jinbe : I must apologize... It seems that you have been drawn into our troubles all too quickly..!!

Jinbe : This may be sudden... But, please understand, when I met Luffy-kun and (Y/N)-kun two years ago, even more so than now...

Jinbe : ...It was simply not time to speak of such things! I harbour my profound gratitude those responsible for putting a stop to the terror...

Jinbe : ...That Arlong and his crew weaked in East Blue...!!

Jinbe : But at the same time, I must apologise... For eleven years ago, the one responsible for unleashing Arlong upon the waters of East Blue... Was none other than myself!!

Time skip brought to you by Mike Tyson.

Shirahoshi : Waaaaah!! Father!!

(Y/N) : Don't worry, Yowahoshi. Here, have some tea.

Shirahoshi : T... Thank you... (Y/N)-sama..

(Y/N) : Nami!! Camie!! Your tea.

Nami : Thank you, (Y/N)-kun.

Nami : So, Jinbe-san... What do you mean when you say that you... Unleashed Arlong upon East Blue...?

Sanji : Jinbe, I'm ready to listen to your excuses... But you'd better choose your words carefully...!!

Sanji : I'll have you know that our lovely navigator Nami-san here was a resident of that island. She's suffered more than anyone, thanks to Arlong's terror!!

Sanji : So depends on what you say next... I may not be able to forgive you!!

(Y/N) : Calm down, Sanji.

He looks at Nami, who was on her verge of tears.

(Y/N) puts a hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N) : Listen, it's okay to cry, being strong doesn't mean that you have to hold back your tears. Okay?

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