Infinite Hell

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Okamas : DID HE SAY HIS DAD!!?


Ivankov : Are you joking around!!? You're Dragon's son!? I didn't know he had a son!!?

Luffy : Ah... I guess I wasn't supposed to say that.

(Y/N) : Well Gramps said it, too.

Luffy : I don't really know either, and I don't really remember his face.

Ivankov : Not knowing makes it more realistic!! If I'm not wrong he called (Y/N) boy his brother, that means Dragon had two sons!! They don't look like the guys who would lie about this...!! They're both Supernovas in the pirate world!! And that amazing will!! They're definitely not normal!!! It's definitely possible..!!

Ivankov : Where were you born...?

(Y/N) & Luffy : East blue.

Ivankov : I knew it!!

He turns towards Inazuma.

Ivankov : Inazuma!! Find out plans for Ace boy's departure!!

Inazuma : Yes, right away.

Ivankov : It'll be close!! If the Vivre card is still pointing down, he hasn't been moved yet. I'll go with these two to level 6, right now!!

Luffy : Eh!? You'll show us the way!? But to level 6!?

(Y/N) : That'll be a great help, thanks.

Ivankov : (Y/N) boy!! Straw hat boy!! You shouldn't talk about such information so casually!!

Luffy : Yeah, I guess so...

(Y/N) : Guess, indeed...

Ivankov : Tell Everyone in the New Kama land... We'll go save Ace boy and then make our escape from Impel Down!! If you wish to come with me!! Make your peace and prepare for battle!!

Luffy : YOSH!! Just, wait Ace!! We're coming now!! Let's go, (Y/N)!!!

(Y/N) : Yeah!!

But (Y/N) falls on the ground.

Luffy : Oi!! What happened!!? Iva-chan help us something happens to him!!

Ivankov crouch down and checks his pulse.

Ivankov : Ehh...!! His pulse....

Luffy : What about his pulse!!?

Ivankov : Is strong.

Luffy : IT'S THERE!!?

Ivankov uses his tension hormones to fix him up.

Time skip brought to you by BATMAN.

After bidding there farewell to Bon Clay who was resting back in New Kama land. Luffy, (Y/N), Ivankov and Inazuma were on there way to level 6.

Inazuma : Hurry!! One or two minutes could make all the difference.

(Y/N) was flying ahead them.

(Y/N) : Iva-chan, which way?

Ivankov : If we don't worry about our strength it's not that far!! Run forward!! HEEHAW!!

Luffy : LET'S GOOOO!!!

Prisoner were watching them.

Prisoner 1 : What's that!? Somebody's running!!

Prisoner 2 : That's...!! Ivankov!! He should be dead!!

Prisoner 1 : It can't be...

A pack of wolves stand in there way. All of them sliced/punch/winked there way through them.

New Nakama (One Piece X Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt