Severed Head

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(Y/N) slowly opens his eyes.

Nami : Oh, good you're awake.

(Y/N) looks up.

Nami : Now, would you mind getting up from my lap. Sanji-kun is getting jealous...

(Y/N) : Uh, sure.

(Y/N) : Wait, Where are we!?

(Y/N) : Ah, where are we anyways?

Chopper : (Y/N)!! We've been locked up, (Y/N)!!!

(Y/N) : Last thing I remember was meeting a blonde ninja guy who loves ramen.

Everyone : What kind of dreams are you having....?

Slowly after (Y/N), Franky wakes up too.

(Y/N) : Ah! That's right the ship was flooded with gas!!

Nami : And then they abducted us while we were sleeping.

Sanji : I'm sorry, you guys. If only I'd noticed what was happening a little sooner...

Chopper : You think they're gonna sell us??!! They could be slave traders!!

Franky : Hang on, what about Brook?

Nami : We don't know when we woke up, it was just the four of us.

Chopper : If they were trading in humans, maybe they're not interested in skeletons!

Franky : Uh, you're not exactly human yourself.

Sanji : And, neither are you!! Oh, forget it!!!

Suddenly, someone speaks.

??? : Say, friends.... Do you enjoy the art of "Hanjimono"? Or "Puzzles" as they say in foreign lands!

Nami : Huh? Did someone just talk?

Franky : Well... It sure wasn't one of us...

Chopper : I think the voice came from these things...

He says look looking at something.

??? : What do you mean "things"!!?

Chopper : AAAAAAHHH!!!

He hides behind (Y/N).

(Y/N) : What the hell...?

Franky : Is it some new kind of Den-Den Mushi?

Chopper : There are eight of them... I can't believe I didn't noticed...

??? : I'm not a filthy snail!! But it seems to me that you're not evildoers! These were the parts of my face

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??? : I'm not a filthy snail!! But it seems to me that you're not evildoers! These were the parts of my face... Coul I perhaps trouble you to reassemble them?!!

Franky : Come to think of it... This is a mouth and these seem to be eyes.

He says picking the parts up.

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