Chapter 1

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After defeating the Otsutsuki, Urashiki, Boruto and Sasuke prepared to head back home. However, seeing as Jiraya knew who Sasuke was, and their existence in the village was known, Sasuke erased their memories, also on behalf of Jiraya's request. Boruto and Sasuke used the relic to go back home to the present. When they returned, it was as if the Otsutsuki had never existed. Sasuke informed Naruto about the mission, while Boruto looked around the village, thinking about how it looked in the past.

Boruto sat on top of the Seventh Hokage's, his father's Great Stone Face carved into the side of the cliff. He looked down at the village, seeing just how far everything his father has done changed the village. Boruto hopped down, deciding that he should get some sleep after that hard mission. He returned to a quiet house, everyone asleep and no Naruto to be found. He sighed and walked to his room, hung up his jacket, and crashed on his bed.

The next morning he found the package he had, with the special Soy Instant Ramen in it. He took the containers of ramen along with a canister of boiling water and looked for his dad. He eventually found him at Jiraya's grave, where they talked and ate the ramen. They left a cup for Jiraya on his grave and were arguing about health and ramen and Naruto being too busy to come back until Naruto went back to his work as Hokage.

Boruto, with nothing better to do, started walking around the village, saying hello to some of his friends he found on the way. Eventually, he ran into Sarada and his heart started pounding.

"Hey, Sarada, what's up?"

Sarada glanced around him and smirked. She taunted him with a teasing voice, "Oho? You're still alive? I thought you would have wimped out like in the CHUNIN EXAMS YOU CHEATED IN!"

Boruto was taken aback at first, then got his wits about him again.

"Well yeah, I already defeated one god, what's another?"

Sarada smiled, "However I really am glad you didn't die, it would stain my record as a Hokage if I carelessly let my teammate blunder and kill himself,"

Boruto grinned, "Naturally I wouldn't die, but what does it matter to you if I did?"

Sarada shrugged off the question.

"Anyway, I have two members of team 40 here who are having some troubles with their teammate. She is possessed by a powerful summoning beast and can now use its powers but she can't seem to control it lately, and they want us to help with getting over their fears. You in or out?"

Boruto thought for a second then decided, "Yeah, why not? I was just walking around idly so I have nothing better to do otherwise."

Sarada mentally pumped her fist. "Okay, so the first thing we do is... study some Psychology. Once we can figure out how exactly to overcome your fears, then it's basically done, depending on what we need to do."

Boruto and the others nodded.

At the library

Boruto found some psychology books, nine containing anything about fears, unfortunately.

After a few hours of trying psychology books, they took a break while Sarada was finishing up looking through the psychology book she found.

"Jeez, how many psychology books are there?"

"I dunno, Boruto. I'm just finishing up reading through this one."

Sarada closed the book and stood up to return it when suddenly Mitsuki was there holding a Psychology book.

"I think I found a book you can use."

Sarada nearly punched him for showing up so suddenly.

"It says I'm here that if curiosity exceeds fear, then it is possible to be unaffected by said fear. Good examples of this are haunted houses and horror movies."

"Okay captain Sarada, but can we get some food? I'm hungry."

"Really Boruto? We are trying to help these people, food waits until later."

Boruto sighed, "Let's do this and get it over with."

As they were watching the movie, everyone seemed either intrigued or completely fine. Besides Sarada, that is. They left the theater, Sarada melted into a nervous pile.

"Whew, that was pretty scary right?"

"Nobody was scared except for you, Sa ra da."

Sarada looked at Boruto with a death glare, the one tomoe Sharingan glistening in her eye.

"Oh shut up, Boruto."

Boruto backed away, wary of the Sharingan.

Sarada's Sharingan faded back to her normal eye and she smirked, knowing she had the upper hand.

"Maybe we should try facing a real living being to see if that works better,"

Boruto thought for a bit, then responded, "I like your train of thought, Sarada,"

"I was thinking, there's a large wolf pen somewhere down here, maybe we could try that?"

They walked down to the wolf pen, and they entered it, terrified by the giant beast.

Short story kept short, it failed.

Suddenly they saw Mr. Ibiki run by, without Enko. Tsuru and Moushu, concerned for their friend, ran after him.

"What do you think happened, Boruto?"

"I'm sure it'll be alright, they should be able to handle whatever's happening."

"What!? We should follow them!"

"Sarada, listen to me, they have to do this one themselves."

Boruto smiled and put his fist out, laughing a little. Sarada looked at him, seeing the wonder in his face. Boruto looked at Sarada and asked,

"What?" Boruto looks behind him as Sarada stutters to find a response, "What is it, Sarada?"

"Well... uhh..." Sarada starts speaking really quickly, "IwasjustthinkingabouthowblueyoureyesareIgottagobyeeeeee!"

Sarada ran back home, face flushed. Boruto looked at Mitsuki and asked, "did I do something to make her mad?"

Mitsuki smiled innocently and replied, "I really think you two make a great couple."

Boruto was taken aback by this. "What?! Not in a million years! ...maybe..."

Mitsuki smiled again, "I'm going to head home, take care Boruto."

Mitsuki started walking back to his apartment room, while Boruto was deep in thought about Sarada.

"Us? A good couple? I'd never get along with her! But just maybe..."

Boruto subconsciously started walking home, lost in thought. He didn't even realize he made it to his home until Himawari and Hinata, setting the table for dinner greeted him like usual. After eating, Boruto decided to go out and see what everybody else was up to. He checked from place to place, but everybody was busy with something.

"Aww what a pain, I just wanted to practice a little."

Boruto made his way to the training grounds, figuring he should get some practice just in case something pops up.

After a couple of hours of training, Boruto started to get a little tired and decided to take a little break and watch the stars rise. Boruto laid back on the grass, feeling like he could stare at the sky forever...


Boruto woke up from Sarada yelling at him. He got up and saw both Mitsuki and Sarada staring at him.

"What? It's day time already?"

"Yeah, now we're going to be late because a certain idiot decided to sleep out here! You're going to get a cold like that you know!"

"Yeah yeah sheesh..."

Boruto thought to himself "perfect couple my foot!"

They rushed to meet up and found that their new mission would be quite a troublesome one.

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