Chapter 9

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Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki were all ready to go. It would be Team 7's last mission.


"I got it."

Naruto stood up and addressed them.

"Your mission will be to retrieve this."

He held up the Scientific Ninja Tool schematic. It was some sort of... Prosthetic arm?

"What is this for?"

"This is actually something I had Katasuke make for me. Although while making upgrades to it it was stolen, and it has the finest technology of all shinobi. It's also very dangerous."

"Alright. Where?"

"It's on the move to somewhere near the Hidden Sand."

"Got it. Let's go, guys."

Boruto turned to Sarada and Mitsuki and walked out.

"We have a mission to complete."

They saw a figure in the distance. They were wearing a cloak and holding something wrapped inside of a cloth.

"That has to be them, let's go."

Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki surrounded him and tied him up with strings attached to Kunai.

"Drop the arm and we'll let you go."

"This is why I hate these missions..."

"What was that?"

"I thought you kids of all people would know better."


Boruto realized.

"Everyone drop and get back!"

They dropped their Kunai before they were pulled in. The cloak was thrown into the air, revealing...

"Deepa. So it was you."

"Hmph. It's not like you can do anything about it now."

Deepa surrounded himself in a torrent of stones.

"Ready for round two?"

Sarada started weaving signs for a Jutsu when the cloak Deepa threw in the air got caught in her face. Deepa launched the stones at her, but she managed to block or dodge all of them.

"That won't work!"

Sarada flung the cloak at Deepa and rushed in, furiously attacking. Her slashed and jabs did not affect, but she wasn't wearing down in the slightest. Plus, it had served her purpose. Boruto slammed the Wind Rasengan into Deepa's head, knocking him away like a pinwheel into the nearby sand mountain. 


A cloud of dust was kicked up and stones flew at them.

"I guess not..."

Boruto dodged almost all of them, getting nicked at the last second.

Sarada stood in front of Mitsuki and blocked all of them.

"You good?"

"Yeah, thanks Sarada."


"I'm a bit busy over here!"

Boruto weaved a weak lightning Jutsu and slammed it into Deepa, but he didn't seem too affected by it. Boruto ramped it up a bit and Deepa started to back off, knocking Boruto into Sarada and Mitsuki.

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