Chapter 4

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Konohamaru suddenly remembered they had the antibodies from Mitsuki, although just one syringe full.

After injecting it into the butler, he got up.

"I apologize, doctor. Your talent is amazing though."

"Idiot why were you so reckless!"

"Sorry, but I had to make sure you were real."

"Also, who is your master's name? We cannot continue if we don't even know who your master is."

"But I can't tell you. You will find out when we get there though."

"Then we will leave."

"Wait! I'll tell you, just don't leave!"

"Then what is your master's name?"

"She is Lady Sakuya. I'll take you to her right away."

They got to the castle where Lady Sakuya was supposed to be.

"Sorry, it seems like something has come up."

The butler walked up to a crowd of people, then returned.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. It seems a thief touched the barrier and died. Now please, follow me."

"If I may, what is Lady Sakuya's problem? Is she ill?"

"No, she is the picture of health. But she cannot beat time. She wants to be young again."

"So she wants to become younger?"


They entered the castle, not knowing what awaited them.

Sarada and Mugino were stationed outside.

"Don't mess it up, Konohamaru."


Inside the castle, they were taken to a room where Boruto was shackled. The butler demanded to see the youthification for himself before it was used on Lady Sakuya. He held up a syringe with the Hashirama cell in it up to Boruto's neck.

"Okay, but first bring me the finest drink in the castle! It helps keep my hands steady so I can do my work."

The butler was utterly shocked.

"Right away sir."

Boruto and Konohamaru discuss their plans, and Boruto went into the room where Sakuya is, leaving his clone in the shackles.

By the time Boruto got there, the Hashirama cell was gone and Sakuya was dead. Four shinobi were behind it, the girls he met with the doctor earlier. They had the Hashirama cell, and as the butler came in they escaped, undetected.

The butler saw Sakuya dead and called everyone in the castle. They rushed to the grand room, while one of the four shinobi that was still hidden in the room killed the butler. Konohamaru showed up, but it was all too late. The people in the castle showed up, and they had to block off the door.

The formerly four, now three shinobi ran around the city, telling everybody to catch them, and claiming a huge reward. This motivated everyone to go there, which bought them time.

"Damn, they really messed up."

"I hope Boruto's okay..."

Boruto and Konohamaru managed to escape, and they met up with Sarada and Mugino.

"Word sure spread fast."

Mugino nodded in agreement.

"Ugh, what's that smell Boruto?"

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