Wait, what?

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A/N: You actually thought this was over? It's far from over! >:D

Your PoV:

Everything had seemed perfect, but it was hell. Charlie and Vaggie did have a wedding. Even Charlie's parents took time out of their day to come. As you could imagine, she was happy.

Her mother was so sweet and her father, still was learning the ways of the gay. Husker was happy for them but immediately went back to drinking his booze Alastor had given him. Angel was playing with the kids and Nuggets was fast asleep on my lap.

After that it was a relaxing day, full of laughter and movies. Even killing demons. Truth be told, Husker had found someone and even though he didn't look happy I knew he was.

It was beautiful, everything seemed so real. So wonderful...

That is until I woke up, to the sound of a monitor beeping. Light chatter echoed in my head as I opened my eyes to a bright light. It dimmed down as the light adjusted.

What the hell..? I looked at my arms which were bandaged with wires attached to a machine, I also had on a breathing mask and it was hard to see from my right eye.

"Y-Y/N..?" That voice. My eyes scanned to the left and sitting in a chair next to me, was my manager. Her eyes were red and cheeks all puffy, dry tears on her face. I smiled.

Her eyes went teary quick before hugging me but gently, as if I was a fragile doll. "I was worried! I thought you'd never wake up!" I tilted my head and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Charlie frowned. "Oh yeah. When you got hit by the car the front license plate had broken off and cut into your neck, ripping your vocal folds and your voice box. The doctors said you'll heal, but not for a few months"

So I can't speak? Am I stuck being mute..? I started crying. My singing career was over. "Oh Y/N please don't cry, your mother wouldn't like that"

My body froze at the sound of my fathers voice. When I looked at him he was completely different, even the way he spoke. "After hearing about your accident it completely ruined him, but he's changed"

I looked at Charlie confused. She giggled. "He's a clean man and even goes to church with my dad, you'd be surprised to hear this but they're together now! Which I guess makes us sisters!"

Wait what? My dad's gay? Holy shit this changes everything.. My father sat in the chair on my right and ruffled my hair with a smile. "Don't worry dear, I realized my mistakes and will try my best to be a better dad"

They both caught me up on everything I missed. My fans still loved me and Charlie released a few songs that were drafted, people loved them so I was still pretty famous.

As for my dad, he found out he was gay when he started going to church with Charlie's dad. The bakery has grown so much thanks to my music, it was all so cool.

But for mom, her ashes are now in a vase in my room. With her picture above it. Charlie also had a sister she never mentioned and she came to see me too, but I made a mistake.

Her sister was actually non-binary. I made apologetic gestures but they said it was fine and it happened a lot. Thank fuck. But I couldn't help but feel something was off with them.

Weeks later I was able to go home. I immediately went to my room and talked with mom, dad brought me my favourite meal and left me alone. I helped with the business and some of my fans came to visit the same day.

They asked me all sorts of questions. Such as why I wasn't on tour anymore, why I stopped making songs, all that stuff. Dad was going to interfere but I stopped him. I put a finger to my lips. They understood and left.

Night came and I washed myself before heading to bed. Dad wished me and mom good night, I couldn't help but cry myself to sleep.

Ah geez, what a day. But what was that weird dream I had..? And who were those people?

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