The diary

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His uncle didn't drive him to London to go to diagon ally so he had to trudge to the train station and jump on without paying. He hid in the toilet until the sound of the tracks screeching to a halt and the recorded voice saying 'London, waterloo station' filled his ears.

It was cold now, the first twings of almost September giving a slight chill, the August sun still shone in the frosty cold. He stepped off of the train onto the endless grey of London. There wasn't a moment of silence in the chaos of London yet nobody was really talking. Everyone was absorbed in their own little worlds, buisness men and other workers swarming in a sea of the walking dead.

When Harry arrived at the leaky cauldron it was bustling. It was around lunch time so all the shoppers from Diagon Ally decided to stop for lunch. Harry didn't stop but instead walked through the crowed. For the first time all summer, he felt happy.

"Harry! Harry!" Came Hermiones voice. Harry walked over to Hermione who was eating a tripple chocolate icecream. "Come on! Ron's waiting for us! We can go to Gringots now."

They went to Gringots and Harry got out a generous handful of money, enough to last him the whole school year. Hermione and Ron talked about their fun holidays and Harry wavered behind a bit, thinking about his own summer. Locked in a cupboard, barely eating or drinking, punches and chores and all things horrible. Not that he would let anyone know, they would think he was weak.

Some time later found the three fourteen year olds in the book shop. Harry was picking up there defence against the dark arts text book, piling them on top of each other in his cauldron when Lucius Malfoy walked in and put his cane out infront of Harry. Harry didn't notice and tripped over the cane. Lucius gracefully bent down and swopped up the books, putting them all in the cauldron.

"Do excuse me, Mr Potter." He snarled at Harry as he walked away.

Later that day, Harry was sat in his cupboard packing his school when he found a book tucked in his transfiguration book.

Harry picked it up and saw the name 'Tom Marvolo Riddle' on the back of the diary. Harry opened it. He was disappointed to find nothing in it but plain parchment paper.

Harry decided that he would use it to draw in. He picked up his quill and some ink and began to draw a picture. Harry was stood with his wand in his hand, pointing it at his uncle. His uncle was on the floor, dead. Harry smiled as he drew it. It made him feel much better.

Right before Harry's eyes, the picture began to fade away until it was gone. It was as if the book had swollowed the ink. Then, suddenly words appeared on the paper.

'Nice drawing.'

Harry froze. He'd never heard of this kind of magic before. Who was he talking to? Was he talking to this Tom Marvolo Riddle person? He picked up his quill again and wrote a reply.

'You can write? I'm Harry Potter.'

'Yes, I can write. Nice to meet you, Harry. I am Tom Riddle. How did you find my diary?'

'I think someone slipped it into my cauldron. Anyway, do you go to Hogwarts?'

'I did. Harry, what did that picture mean?'

'Oh, I think you'd think I was sadistic if I told you.'

'I promise to keep it a secret, Harry.'

'Or call the ministry on me for being crazy.'

'I'm crazy too. I won't no matter what.'

'Okay. It's of me torturing and kiling my Uncle.'

'Would you like to?'

'Yes I guess I would. I wish I could use my magic on him.'

'One day I will help you kill him if you desire me to.'

Harry talked to Tom all night long and into the day as well. He wondered what Tom was like, his passions and his wishes. He wanted one day to really meet him.


AN - Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this chapter! It helps me get motivated to write more!

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