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A pair of emerald green eyes stared into the darkness. They were full of pain as they scanned the black around him. Pain was overflowing through him as he lay there, unable to move. He had no idea how long he'd been laying there but it felt like weeks. Of course it couldn't have been otherwise he'd be dead by now. There was no way he could last long without food and water in this state. Harry heard footsteps coming through the house. 

"Please Vernon, don't leave us here. Are you sure he's dead?" Petunia said in a horrified voice. 

"Yes, Petunia. I stabbed him for Christ sake! Now let me or I'll be late for work. I don't want to get fired." He said and slammed the door behind him. 

"Dudley, come to the bathroom, I'll lock the door." Petunia said and he heard feet scurrying away. Harry thought they needn't bother, he was far too weak to do anything now. Harry was so thirsty now. He could feel that he was close to the end. He looked down at himself and saw the stab wounds all over him. They were still bleeding, . Harry needed to get himself food and drink but didn't want the Dursleys to know he was alive. Silently, Harry reached the door handle and opened it. He was lucky that Vernon hadn't locked it. 

He got onto all fours, picked up his wand and dragged himself through the house to the kitchen as quietly as he could. He was exhausted enough already but he had determination. He wanted to live to see Tom again. He reached into the fridge, the low humming deafening his ears and pulled out a bottle of water and some of Petunias homemade apple pie. He left the house and sat on the pavement, eating some apple pie and drinking some water. He needed to think of a plan. He just wanted to get out of here. 

He fiddled with his wand after he finished eating. He put his wand out, imagining that Vernon was at the other end of it quivering in fear as Harry tortured him. But then, as of by magic (oh wait, it was by magic), a purple triple decker bus came speeding down the road. It had the words 'knight bus' on the front of it. It came to a halt in front of Harry and a man came to the door.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name is Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor this aftern-" He looked at Harry and his face went pale. He stopped reading from his card, walked down the steps and used levitation to pick Harry up. "St Mungo's it is!"

They whizzed down the road and Harry felt quiet sick. They had laid him down on two chairs that were not bolted down so Harry was being whizzed around as well. 

"If it was night time, you'd've gotten a bed!" Stan said with a bit of a chuckle. Harry was in too much pain to comprehend what was happening fully. He was losing blood, sure the bleeding had slowed but he was still bleeding a lot. Harry was surprised he was still alive. "I wish I could 'elp ya more but I don't know anythin 'bout medical spells."

Harry closed his eyes. His head was spinning. They arrived at St mungo's and a medi witch came out to help him in. 

"There's a boy here in critical condition... He needs healing asap... His heart beat is one fifty... Yes, he's losing a lot of blood..."

Harry knew he was safe enough now and he lost consciousness yet again.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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