The mind slave

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Tom was smart enough to know that he needed assistance in his uprising. Sure, he had Harry but he would not twist him into a moldable putty like his death eaters. He knew enough to know the names of his most loyal servants. Belletrix Le'strange, Greyback, Barty Crouch Jr. There were more but these were his most loyal servants. Belletrix was the one Tom wanted to contact but she was in Azkaban. There was only one thing for it.

It was the middle of the night and Tom fished around for Harry's invisibility cloak. Tom took off his glamour and wrapped the cloak tightly around him. Harry was sleeping soundly all the while, as well as the other Slytherin's. 

Tom snuck out of the Dorm, through the dungeons and out of the school. He walked deep into the forbidden forest until the trees were thick and tall and the floor bare. He pulled the cloak off himself and closed his eyes. The wind ran through his hair and he could almost hear it chime.

"I ask for the, dementors! I have a deal for you." It wasn't long before the tall trees turned to ice. Tom opened his eyes to see a flock of Azkaban 's dementors flying overhead towards him. "It is I, Lord voldemort."

The dementors circled around him silently, casting their frosty presence. Even Tom could feel the chill. He didn't outwardly react, but instead he looked at them all. All if them potential weapons he and Harry could use at their disposal.

"I would like you to join my ranks." Tom said to them.

"What is in it for us?" Said one of the dementors. Tom shivered at the dementors voice. It was creepy and unnerving.

"You will be able to feed whenever you like." Tom told the dementors who all looked at each other. 'Very well' said the same dementor. "Break the death eaters out of Azkaban and tell the rest to meet me here tomorrow at midnight here. Myself and their other lord will be waiting."

They left, hopefully making a start on their plan. Tom went back to the dorm, put his glamour back on and fell asleep. He was exhausted after all that and needed to get some shut eye ready for tomorrow's lessons. They had potions first with the Gryffindors.

"Where is Miss Granger?" Professor Snape asked as he entered the room. There was a weird shift with the Gryffindor girls.

"She hasn't left her bed all weekend, Professor.  She's been crying the whole time." Said one of the girls. Professor Snape nodded.

"Why don't you check on her, Potter?" Snape said. Harry was about to say no but Tom kicked him under the table again. It seemed this was going to be a common acurance. He asked for the password and they told Harry it was 'Purple juice'. Harry trudged reluctantly to the Gryffindor common room, said the password and went to see Hermione.

"Hermione, can I come in?" Harry asked. He could hear Hermione's faint sobbing from the other side of the door. They stiffled and Harry walked in. "Hey Hermione, everyone's worried about you. "

'Except me' Harry thought.

"Why did you kill him?" Hermione asked Harry. She looked at him, cuddling into her pillow. She looked heartbroken. "Are you here to kill me? Because go ahead."

"I didn't kill Ro-"

"I'm not stupid Harry. I know you did. I just don't know why you did it. I want us to be like we were last year. Me you and Ron. But now Ron's dead." Hermione said, sobs escaping her quivering lip. "And it's your fault."

"Imperio!" Harry yelled. Hermione went blank and stood up. Harry hid in the toilet and focused on his magic as Hermione walked to the room of requirements and paced. The door opened and Hermione went in. In there was bed for her to cry in while she waited. Harry went back to his lessons and finished up the day.

"We're are you taking me?" Tom asked later that day. Harry took him to the room of requirements and showed him a still sobbing Hermione. Harry told him she knew that he had killed Ron and that he didn't know what to do with her. "Oh, I know what to do with her."

Tom aimed his wand at her and said the words 'mens servus'. Hermione screamed in agony as she began her transformation. She looked the same but more depressed, agony to rival the cruciatus curse filling her from head to toe.

"What do you want me to do, masters?" Hermione said, her eyes soulless.

"I want you to kill Dumbledore."

AN - Please leave a comment if you enjoyed this chapter! It means a lot to me!

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