The faint glow

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Harry went straight to his bed after the feast and drew his curtains around him. He pulled out Tom's diary and was about to write to him when he Ron walked in.

"What's going on, Harry?" Ron asked him. Harry quuckly hid the diary under his sheets and acted unwell. Ron opened the curtains to see him.

"I just feel unwell." Harry said to him. Ron gave him a pat on the back before leaving him alone. Ron had stopped asking about the bruises he had at the beginning of each school year. Why didn't Ron care? Or Hermione.

If it was them Harry would do anything he could to help them. But they chose to turn a blind eye. Tom cared about him. Tom helped him through this. Tom was his real best and only friend.

'You're my best and only real friend, Tom.'

'I'm here for you. What's wrong?'

'Ron and Hermione don't care about what happens to me. They turn a blind eye. They aren't my real friends.'

'That doesn't matter, Harry. I am here. I will be there aslong as you write in my pages.'

'Thank you, Tom. I know I can count on you. I wish I could meet you.'

'I need a body first. You see, I am stuck in this diary.'

'Would I have to kill anyone?'

'No, but I would.'

'I know the perfect person to let you kill. Ron. What do I need to do?'

'I need you to bring him to the chamber of secrets. Tell him you need help.'

'Okay. Tomorrow night I will lore him down. Were is the chamber?'

'In Moaning Myrtles bathroom by the sink. Pastletoungue will open it.'

'Okay Tom. For you I will.'

The next morning was as cold as the last. It was a Saturday so he had all day to butter Ron up. He hung out with him the whole day, talking to him about school work and quidditch.

The bruise on Harry's face was a dark purple now and took up almost his whole cheek. Ron said nothing about it. It was getting dark and Harry decided he was going to get Ron to the chamber of secrets now.

"I hear something. Can you?" Harry asked, picking up the pace.

"No, what can you hear Harry?" Ron asked, not once questioning Harry's words.

"A voice, from the walls. Saying 'killllll, killll...' we have to find out were it's coming from!" Harry ran down the corridor, Ron running behind him.

"There is no voice Harry." Ron said as they spun around the corner. They arrived at the bathroom and Harry went to the sink.

"Opennnn." Harry said in pastletounge. The sink opened up leaving a deep hole in the middle. Ron was amazed. "We have to go in. I'll go in first."

"O-okay Harry. Are you sure about this?" Ron asked Harry.

"More sure than not." Harry said before jumping in and landing on a bed of bones. "It's safe, Ron."

Ron jumped down and looked disgusted at the bones they landed on. They walked down the chamber until they came across a door with snakes on. Harry hissed open again and they were in. Ron walked ahead so he opened the journal and wrote to Tom.

'I'm ready.'

'Give the book to him. Pretend you found this on the floor.'

"Ron! Look what I found!" Ron turned around and ran back to him. "It can talk!"

Ron walked over and took the quill, writing hello into it. The ink disapeared into the pages, replaced by new words.

'Hello, I am Tom Riddle.'

'I am Ron.' Ron wrote back, not believing his eyes. Ron's eyes rolled back into his head and he fell to the floor. He was dying and their was a faint glow around the diary. Tom was growing stronger.

"Come on Tom, I believe in you." Harry said, excited to meet the boy he'd been talking to non stop. He looked closely and could see a faint outline of Tom. He was becoming real again.

"I'm becoming stronger, Harry. Together we will be one." It took an hour for Tom to fully become human again. He was just like in the memory.

"Tom! Is Ron dead now?" Harry asked.

"Yes he is. Thank you for bringing me to life. Now I am strong again. I will help you kill those muggles and traitors to you. You too are strong." Harry embraced him, so happy to have a true friend. He was so happy that he had done this and felt happy despite his old best friend being dead.

It was for the greater good.

AN - Check out a tomarry called 'a kiss under candlelight' by Hufflepuffking! Here's a link.

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