The plan

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"There is something you need to know now, Harry. But I don't want you to hate me. I have grown fond of you, unlike any fondness I have felt before." Tom said as they ended the embrace.

"I couldn't hate you Tom." Harry said, clutching onto his arm. He looked at the grown, the water rippled beneath them, their reflections massacared by the moving water. Tom pulled his wand out, writing letters in the air.

'Tom Marvolo Riddle.' He wrote in sky before muddling it to say something new. A hidden message within his own name.

'I am Lord Voldemort' Harry froze.

"You... you killed my mum and dad? You tried to kill me?" Harry said, his heart rising in his chest. He felt so ashamed that he believed that Tom was his best friend. After he let Tom kill Ron he told him?

"No, I have not done that yet. I am the sixteen year old Voldemort. I could never harm you. You mean so much to me like nobody ever has." Tom said, stepping towards Harry.

"You... you mean it?" Harry asked, feeling his heart beat in his chest. Tom stepped closer to Harry who despite learning who he was couldn't bare to hate him. Before Harry could react, Tom sweaped down and planted a kiss on Harry's lips. Harry was stunned and at first didn't responed at all but he soon gave into the kiss.

"I will never hurt you, Harry. Together, we shall be one." Tom said when he broke the kiss. Harry's could feel his face burn, evidence for a rather embarassing blush. He tried his best to act strong. He didn't want Tom to think he was weak.

"Can you do a patronus, Tom?" Harry said, finally finding something he could do to impress Tom and change the subject.

"No." Tom said, a little taken aback by the question. He had tried before but he didn't have any happy memories to use to make the patronus happen.

"Expecto patronum!" Harry said, a stag appearing from the end of his wand. Tom looked on in amazement as the stag danced around the chamber.

"Amazing Harry! See? You are not weak." Tom told him, feeling a little bit jealous that he could not muster the memorys for a patronus himself. Perhaps one day he could. Harry was happy Tom thought he was strong. But now he knew Tom was Voldemort's younger self, he knew Dumbledore would arrest him rather than enroll him.

"What are we going to do, Tom?" Harry asked, worried sick. He didn't want to be without him. He was used to talking to him all day everyday now and he didn't want to be away from him for one second.

"I will become someone I am not. I need a wand." Tom swooped down and plucked Ron's wand from his dead body and weighed it in his hand. He seemed disappointed. "Just for this spell. I need to go to Diagon Ally."

Tom waved Ron's wand over himself and smiled at Harry.

"How do I look?" Harry didn't see a difference and told Tom that. "Everyone else will see a boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes."

Tom and Harry left Ron in the chamber and Tom was smart enough to know you could say stairs in pastletounge to get stairs to appear. They climbed up them, left and closed the chamber.

Harry wished he had brought his invisibility cloak so that Tom could get to Diagon Ally without being seen. It was late and way past curfew. They could not risk being seen. Harry and Tom sneaked around in the dark as quickly and quietly as the could.

"Go to bed, Harry. I will be back in the morning, I promise." Relutantly, Harry agreed and went back to the Gryffindor dorms he was starting to feel more and more spiteful to. He couldn't sleep, his thoughts fixated on Tom.

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