The sorting hat

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Harry got out of bed early, brushed his teeth, showered, combed his untamable hair, put on his uniform and groaned as he stared at the red and gold that plagued him. Tom was definatly going to be slytherin again but Harry would be stuck here. With Ron dead, Harry was worried that a resorting would bring mass suspision to him and he didn't want to go to Azkaban.

"Were's Ron?" Hermione asked Harry when he walked down the stairs. Harry wanted to ignore her but he had to put up a facade. All he wanted was to see if Tom was here yet. Hermione's hair was a mess, but not as messy as Harry's. Her shirt was tucked in and she was wearing her school jumper under her Gryffindor robes.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday, he didn't come back last night." Harry told her, faking worry. Of course Harry couldn't tell Hermione anything. Instead, he had to pretend to care and be oblivious to what was happening. Soon, he could fake the reasoning for not talking to Hermione as being grieving Ron when in actuality it would be because he was turning away from the light side he had been wrongly backing.

They went down for breakfast and Harry looked around for Tom. He wasn't here yet but Harry was sure he would be here soon. Harry pretended to be looking for Ron and sighed.

"We have to tell Professor Dumbledore. He could be in trouble." Hermon said, too worried to eat anything. Harry thought about the way he would have felt if Ron was missing just a year earlier. He'd have been worried sick, running around like a headless chicken trying to find him. But now he was an accumplice in his murder.

"Alright, let's go." Harry said, getting up from his chair. He wanted to wait and see if Tom would arrive but also getting up would take his mind off Tom. He wasn't hungry anyway. They walked to Dumbledore's office, Hermione's face never changing from one of deep concern. Hermione tapped on the door.

"Enter." Came Dumbledore's voice. Harry walked in and his eyes rested on Dumbledore. But he was not alone. Tom sat in the stool, the sorting hat on his head. "Meet Tom Knight."

"SLYTHERIN!" The sorting hat said. Harry 's heart sunk. He knew it was inevitable, even he was destined to be a slytherin, after all.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Harry said to Tom with a warm grin. Tom smiled back at him, his green robed causing longing for the same.

"Hello, Potter. Still think you'd have made a better Slytherin." The hat said aloud. Hermione went to talk to Dumbledore.

"Let's see about that." Harry said, placing the hat on his head. 'Ahh, definitely slytherin. But yet... you feel scared of changing in case of suspicion. What would you like me to do?' The hat said into Harry 's head. 'I want you to say you refuse me to be Gryffidor and make me be slytherin. I can pretend to be upset.'

"I refuse to let you be Gryffindor! You are and always have been a Slytherin!" The hat bellowed aloud as if he was angry. Tom smirked at him and Harry faked outrage.

"What? Slytherin! Professor! First my best friend goes missing and now this?" Dumbledore peered at him and shook his head.

"I cannot change the hat's mind, Harry. Hermione, we will look for Ron. In the mean time try not to stress. I am sure he's alright. Harry, why on earth did you put the hat on in the first place?" Dumbledore's sparkle had left his eyes.

"I thought I would prove to the hat I was a Gryffindor." Harry lied. It was going to be so much fun now he had emarald green instead of scarlet.

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