Chapter Seven: Vacasia

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Before them lay the port of Vacasia upon the island of Anoa's Command. It was, according to their guides, one of the richest and commonly frequented ports. You could see almost a dozen vessels within the piers at first glance. But there were also a great many smaller fishing ships on closer inspection. There were people of several races fishing by the waterside, or selling goods at the edge.

Estela looked with interest as they neared the pier. The buildings here were very well built indeed, with reddish roofs. A wall protected the harbor, and men stood by with many arrows as they walked beneath the towers' gaze. Estela saw a number of great, iron bell-like things on those towers, pointed out to seat. Men stood by them, and she realized they were canon.

Estela had heard of the use of canon at sea in recent battles in the Sea of Power. But how had they gotten to this isolated and forsaken place? It was a question she'd have to solve later. For not, she turned her attention to the ships in the port.

There were dozens of them, and the port wasn't even full. Obviously, this was a place used to entertaining fleets.

"These ships are very different from the kind we have in Escor; they're lower on the water," mused Estela. Her gaze was focused largely on fortifications and such.

"Well, of course, they are," said Wrynncurth. "The seas here are far calmer with the mountains surrounding them. I'm surprised you only just noticed them."

"I'd assumed it was a cultural thing, but these men are Harlenorian," said Estela. Though their skin was tanner and hair darker than any Harlenorian she'd met. Had they interbred with the natives?

"You may regard them as such, old girl," said Wrynncurth. "But I should be hesitant to say a much. Relma, you'll need to translate for us."

"What do you mean?" asked Relma.

"Vanessa gave us the power to speak with any of her subjects," said Wrynncurth. "However, the Conquista speaks a variant of Harlenorian. So you'll likely have a bit of trouble talking with them. Fortunately, you, Relma, have divine power and may speak to anyone."

"Can't you?" asked Relma.

"Oh yes, but it's rather a bit beneath me to act as a translator," said Wrynncurth, taking a draft of his pipe.

Estela looked back to the white buildings, some with domes. There was also a building toward the center of the town whose roof was gilded. She wondered if it was a temple and how they were that prosperous. Beyond, on the shores, Estela could see many fields being worked by tan-skinned people.

Still, there was a clear difference in build between those working and those who were farming. Such differences weren't uncommon in Harlenor. But Estela suspected that they were a different race. Perhaps it was a slave society like those in the Islands of Power?

"These buildings are truly beautiful; I've never seen anything like them," said Relma. Estela felt a sense of resentment at that particular statement. While Escor was more practical erected, due to all the wars, simplicity was better anyway. And if you were into something more ornate, Gel Carn was far preferable.

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