Chapter Ten: The Sun Soul Warriors

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Relma awoke, and her head hurt


Her vision was blurry, and as she tried to get her bearing, she felt the floor swaying. It was also rough like wood. She was on a ship of some kind, and as her vision cleared, she saw a cloudy sky. Moving around the deck around her were a variety of men. They were all large and muscular, wearing little more than loincloths. Though a few wore more elaborate clothes of white and blue. Many wore clubs at their sides of elaborate make.

Closing her eyes, Relma focused on Aunt Pan's lessons. She could feel the drugs within her veins and began to work to get through it. Purifying her bloodstream, she, at last, opened her eyes. Now, where was Lightning Trail?

She could not feel it near, but looking up, saw a man wearing a feathered cloak with a staff. Lightning Trail was at her side. Gradually, he turned to her, and Relma closed her eyes as he approached. Best to feign sleep.

"Is this her, Quxilang?" asked a rough voice.

"Yes, the Heir of Kings," said a younger voice.

"I sense within this one a powerful soul, greater than any I have yet seen outside of gods," said the older man. "You did well to seize her.

"How many men did you lose?"

"Five," said Quxillang. "We drew off the main force of Jaguars, but three of us were caught and killed. Of the squad we took to seize the Heir of Kings, we lost three to the guards. We were unable to escape unnoticed."

"Well, they have reached the heart of the sun," said the High Priest. "There is no greater glory than that."

"High Priest..." said Quxilang, voice doubtful. He stopped short, however.

"Yes, speak freely, Quxillang?" asked the High Priest.

"Are we certain of this?" asked Quxilang. "Saving Durag from this one? I do not question your authority, but to protect that monster..."

"It is necessary," said Quxillang. "Durag may care only for extending his own life. But he has prevented us from being conquered for centuries. So long as his dead hold the rivers, no true invasion can be launched against us.

"What if he is killed?

"His undead would be swept away, High Watch would be able to attack us. So would the Dragon Empire. And the Conquista would surely begin attacks. Our way of life is preserved by his presence.

"In time, we shall gather enough strength to reclaim the lands stolen from us.

"But that day is not today."

"Are we not strong enough now?" asked Quxilang. "Our numbers have swelled. More pyres are rising throughout the villages than ever before.

"It has gotten to the point where the willing sacrifices outnumber the war sacrifices."

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