chapter twelve

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MONDAY MORNING COMES all too quickly, and when my alarm goes off, I wish it wouldn't. I want nothing more than for the sun to go back down, and for me to get to stay in bed for at least a few more hours. All I want to do is to sink further into my sheets and let all the tension in my shoulders sink away. Everything would just be better if I could stop the flutter in the pit of my stomach every time I look at Greyson.

Rolling out of bed, I get ready for my day and grab my backpack and small portfolio by the handle. I don't know what to expect from my first day, but it feels different from any other first day. High school was frightening, but Stevie and Isla made it easier. And now I'm going into university with the fear of being alone. Even with Isla at the same school, we're in two very different departments. We have each other, but it's not the same.

All I can focus on is the knots in the pit of my stomach.

"Morning!" My eyes widen at Emmy's enthusiastic tone, taking me by surprise when she jumps up from her stool and greets me with a big smile. Her dark hair is tied back in a low bun, pins holding the loose hairs back. And she's holding a clear plastic cup with a sippy cup lid.

"Hi." I smile. "You're kind of excited for seven in the morning."

"She's always like this," Greyson says from the kitchen counter. "Too cheerful for her own good."

"There is no such thing, my friend." She wags her finger at him before holding up the cup. "First drink in the lineup."

"This is sweet." I accept it, taking in the iced green liquid. "You didn't have to do this."

"Sure, I did," she argues. "It's your first day of university. I got donuts, too."

My lips curl up as I examine the drink she got me before taking a sip. It makes me take a second sip before taking another look at it. "It's not bad."

"Are you excited about your first day?"

"No, not really," I say, exhaling slowly as I open the pink box and grab one of the glazed donut. "I'm kind of scared."

"It won't be so bad," Greyson says.

A small laugh leaves my lips as I look at him, bringing the donut toward my lips. "Easy for you to say, Mr. Dropout."

Emmy snickers from her island seat as Greyson nudges my shoulder. A smile turns up on my lips as I take a bite of the donut and adjust the strap of my top, moving my hand down to the thick hem of my ripped sky blue top. When we aren't alone, it's simple, but the moment it's just the two of us, it's like I can't breathe. He takes away the oxygen in the room, and all I can focus on is him, and I need to fix it.

"That's not funny."

"It's kind of funny," Emmy says, pressing her lips together when she sees the look on his face. He shakes his head, but I can see he's trying to fix a smile off.

"I should probably get going," I tell them. "I still don't really know where I'm going."

"Have a good day, Robyn!"

My lips curl up into a smile as Emmy waves from her spot. "Thanks, Emmy, and thank you for the drink and donut. It was really sweet."

"Don't," Greyson says as he follows me toward the door. "It'll go straight to her head."

"Shut up, Greyson!"

I laugh as I reach for the door, digging in my jean pockets for my keys. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah," he says, resting his hand on the side of the door when I open it, leaning into it. "You're going to be okay, Rob. I promise the first day isn't as scary as it seems."

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