chapter twenty-nine

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FOR THE FIRST time in a really long time, I feel light. I've spent so long walking around with the weight of the world on my shoulders, trying to navigate everything like I had to choose and it took last night for me to realize I never had to. I can have everything.

It doesn't have to be give and take.

Maybe things are going to get complicated, but for right now, things are simple and that's enough. I can worry about the rest later. I don't know what is going to happen tomorrow, and I've spent far too long waiting for things to come to me. When it came to Greyson, it was like I was standing on the edge, waiting for something to happen.

I never used to be that kind of person. If there was something I wanted, I worked my ass off to get it, and I don't know why I thought Greyson had to be any different. Things feel right between us, and maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I can feel it in my bones.

He's my happy ending. Nothing has ever felt more honest.

"What's got you all smiley?" Isla nudges my arm with her elbow, leaning into me from her spot at the long table in a private corner of the restaurant.

"Nothing." I shake my head, giving her all my attention

She gives me a look as she turns in her seat, crossing one leg over the other as she gathers her hands in her lap. "Really?"


"You expect me to believe that?"

"Yes, actually." I laugh. "I can't be happy?"

"Not without a reason."

"I do have a reason," I say, poking her cheek. "You are my reason. Stevie is my reason. Everyone being together again is my reason."

Isla hums.

"We're here, we're here!" Isaac, Stevie's brother and Riker's twin rushes up to the table with his boyfriend, Micah close behind him. "We're not late, are we?"

"Considering Grey's not here yet?" Stevie asks from her spot, sandwiched between Felix and Emmy. "I'd say you're right on time."

"Greyson's not here yet?" he asks as he pulls out the seat across from Felix for Micah, before taking the seat next to Isla. His hair is the same light brown as their dad's, it the longest I've ever seen it compared to Riker's, who usually keeps his short and clean. Despite being identical twins, their personalities have always shown through their style, making it easy to tell the two apart.

"Yeah, he had a meeting," I say.

"A mysterious meeting that Robyn won't tell us about," Emmy says, shooting me a look across the table.

"Mainly because I don't know."

Stevie hums. "He better get here soon."

"He will," I tell her as my phone buzzes in my jean pocket. I ignore their sideway glances as I pull it out, the smile that's been on my face since I woke up, growing when I see Greyson's name on the screen.

On my way, gorgeous

I bite down on my bottom lip as I reach for the layered silver chain around my neck, pinching the pendant between my finger and thumb as I move it toward my lip. The thrill that runs through me at the thought of getting to see him again hits me harder than I expect it to. The mere thought of seeing him again filling me with excitement and is quickly diminished by the surprised gasp I hear fall from Isla's lips.

I turn my head at the sound and meet her wide eyes as she points at my phone, silently asking me what it's about without flat out asking. We never talked about what we were going to tell people, we never really had the chance too, but it's Isla. If I can't tell her, who can I tell?

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