chapter thirteen

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I NEVER THOUGHT I would like school. It was just something I had to do, but university is different. I chose this program. It's the thing I'm passionate about, and despite four hour classes, they fly by like nothing, and soon enough, I'm heading home.

I don't know why I'm nervous about getting there. Maybe because of Greyson, but it seems unlikely. It's Jonas. I let myself believe it was a good idea to distract my heart with someone else, so I can focus on my friendship with Greyson, but I think it's done the exact opposite. I want to make this work, but now I feel like I'm deceiving him despite him having no claim to me.

We're not dating.

We were never even close.

So why is this so hard? Why does it feel like I'm forcing myself to move on from something I never had in the first place.

It feels wrong.

When I pull into the parking garage, I'm surprised to find Greyson standing behind his Jeep. His eyes are on his phone when I pull away, but the moment he realizes I'm home, he tucks it away. Parking, I shut my car off and climb out to see him at the back with a hint of a smile on his lips. His perfect, perfect lips.

I force myself to shake the thought from my head as I close the door and turn to him. "Hi," I say with a smile. "How was the studio?"

"It was good," he says. "I just got back. Are you ready to go or did you need to go up?"

"No, I'm good," I tell him and step around to my backseat door. "Just let me grab my wallet and we can go. Did you decide on a place?"

"Yeah, it's a diner not too far from here," he says and his eyes light up with excitement. "You're going to love it."

"I don't know about that. I'm a tough critic," I say as I lean into my car, reaching for the front pocket of my backpack to fish out my wallet. I expect Greyson to say something witty, but when I stand, I find his eyes lower on my body. "Checking for something?" I ask and his eyes immediately move back to my face.

"What? No," he says, shaking his head. "Let's go."

My lips curl up when I see the hint of a blush on his cheeks as he rounds the car for the driver's side. I shake my head as I lock my car and grab the handle to Greyson's, climbing up into the passenger seat. He sits quietly, clearly embarrassed that I had caught him staring at my ass and it's not until we're out of the parking garage and on the road that he talks again.

"Okay, I'm an ass."

My lips curl up. "Oh, yeah? Why's that?"

He groans. "Don't make me say it."

I can't help but grin as I rest my elbow against the middle console, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. "Don't make you say what, Grey?"

He turns to look at me when he pulls up to a red light and shakes his head when he sees the teasing look on my face. "I hate you."

"You were so staring at my ass!" I laugh loudly, falling back into my seat. "I didn't take you for an ass guy, but I'm flattered you found mine stare worthy."

"I hate you."

I grin. "Yeah, you keep saying that, but you were staring at my ass."

"You know, I was going to apologize for being a typical guy, but I don't think I will anymore."

"You sure? Or you just saying that so you can keep staring?"

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Only a tiny bit." I hold my pinched fingers up and laugh when he rolls his eyes at me. "Oh, come on, Grey, it was funny."

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