chapter thirty-one

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MONDAY MORNING ROLLS around faster than I would like, and when my alarm goes off, my groan is joined by another as Greyson pulls me closer to his chest. The palm of his hand flat against the small of my back as he reaches toward his nightstand with his free hand, finding my phone and shutting off the alarm before setting it against his torso.

"No more of that," he mumbles, his voice thick from sleep and my lips curl up as I snuggle closer to him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. He hums as he presses his lips to my forehead, his hand moving to my bicep. "You don't have to go to class today."

"Unfortunately, I do," I tell him with a smile as I slowly sit up. "I'm already cutting it close by staying in bed with you an extra thirty minutes."

"No!" He whines, grasping at my waist. "Stay."

"Grey." My lips curl down as I lean over, kissing his cheek gently. "I can't."

"You can," he says. "All you have to do is lay back down."

I hum softly as I climb over him, landing softly on the opposite side of him. Greyson reaches for my hand, pulling me back towards the bed with an encouraging smile on his lips. It's almost too tempting that I actually consider returning to bed and never leaving. His arms are the safest place in the world, and I've spent most of the last twenty-four hours in them.

"Okay, fine." He sits up, stretching out his arms. "Then let me drive you."

"I can get behind that," I say, taking his hands when he holds them out to me, pulling me towards him until his arms wrap around my hips. "I have to get ready."

"I don't know," he says as he looks over my cropped top and boy shorts. "I think, you look good like this."

"Oh, do you now?" I ask before leaning down and kissing his cheek, brushing my fingers through his hair. "I'll just be a few minutes and then we can go."

He pouts as I slip out of his grasp and head across the hall towards my bedroom, a smile on my lips. Everything finally feels like it's heading in the right direction, and the only thing left for me to do is find the courage to talk to Stevie. The longer I wait, the worst things are going to be. And I continue remind myself that Stevie loves me.

Everything will be okay once I tell her everything. I'm happy, and I want her to be a part of that. There's no reason for me to keep my relationship with Greyson a secret from her or from anyone. We're best friends, and she'll want the best for me.

I slip my feet into a pair of boots and check my backpack, making sure that everything I need for the day is inside before grabbing the handle of my portfolio. I lean it against the wall next to the bathroom door before stepping inside to pull my hair back into a ponytail and brush my teeth. With a light swipe of mascara on my eyelashes, I turn towards the bathroom door to find Greyson leaning into the doorframe.

"Ready to go?"

I nod my head as I step towards him, leaning onto my toes for a quick kiss. "Let's go."

"Last chance for you to change your mind."

My lips curl up as I cup his cheeks, grinning playfully in his direction. "Nice try."

"I had to try," he says as he makes his way towards the apartment door, grabbing his keys from the table near the door. My life feels surreal as I slip my hand into his, walking with him in peaceful silence as we head down to the parking garage. Greyson's hand warm in mine.

The drive from the apartment to campus isn't nearly long enough, and when he pulls up on the art side of campus, I wish we lived a little further away. If I got to stay with him just a little longer, then I don't have to break the bubble we've been living in. Just the two of us and the longer I get to sit in it, the easier it is to avoid reality, and see if the two of us can really make it. Out here we have to face the world.

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