chapter fourteen

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"I'M THINKING WE need to stop at the store and get some ice cream for dessert," Greyson says next to me as we make our way back to his car. I feel dazed as I fight to keep my eyes up from the sidewalk, not wanting to seem distracted, but I am. "What do you think?"

I nod along, half listening, half in my own world.


"Huh?" I turn my head, pausing when I realize he's caught me not listening.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, no, I'm fine," I say, brushing some of my hair out of my face. "Ice cream sounds great, but I'm actually meeting up with Jonas."


"Yeah..." I swallow, nervously picking at my jeans. "We can still stop before we go home if you want to though."

"No, I don't want to make you late for your date."

"Are you sure?"

He nods, but there's something on his face that is saying something else. His body is tense, and the once cheerful look in his eyes is gone, like he's hearing something he wishes he hadn't. My head feels heavy as I climb in, not sure what to make of it. I don't know how to read his body language, and when I think I do, I second guess it. He's never clear, and it's beginning to frustrate me.

One moment I'm sure that we're on good terms, friendly terms, but then there are moments like these where I'm not sure what to think. Is everything okay? Is he really sure? Would it matter if it wasn't? It makes me pause as I run my fingertip over the arch in my eyebrow, exhaling as I sink into the seat.

The ride back to the apartment is awkward and silent, and I don't know what to say or how to make this less tense. Greyson's sudden change in behavior, confusing me and I don't know what to say to make it better. He said he was okay with me going out with Jonas, but now that I am, I'm worried his opinion has changed.

Maybe he's not as okay with as he thought.

When he parks, I climb out and unlock my car to grab my bags from the back. The silence continues and the longer we stay quiet, the more I worry that this isn't going to get better. It's making it hard to focus on anything else. I thought going out with Jonas was going to make things better, but it seems to be doing the opposite.

It's making it worse.

"Hey Grey," I say softly when we get up to the apartment and he heads for the fridge.

He hums.

I press my lips together when he pulls out a beer, grabbing the bottle opener from the side of the fridge to pop the cap off. "Are you okay? You've been... quiet."

"Yeah, I'm fine." He nods.

"Are you—" I begin question when I'm interrupted by the buzzer to the apartment. It goes off a second time, but I'm unable to move, not sure what I'm expecting Greyson to say. He stands still, meeting my gaze, a moment goes by before it goes off a third time and he brushes passed me to let Jonas up. "Grey."

"Have a good time, Rob," he says, completely ignoring the concern in my voice and heads up for his room.

"Okay, Greyson, wait," I say, following him up to the split level between our rooms. "Are you sure you're alright? You're acting weird."

"Yeah," he says and steps into his room, shutting the door quietly behind him when Jonas' knocks at the door. A knot forms in the pit of my stomach as I open the door to my room and step inside, setting my bags inside before grabbing my purse. I toss the strap over my shoulder and tuck my wallet and phone inside as I approach the apartment door.

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