chapter twenty-five

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"WOW, THIS IS something else," I mutter quietly as I step into the outdoor venue space they rented for the reception. It backs onto a lake and is decorated to look like something out of a fairy-tale. Lights hang from the overhanging trees, serving as shade to the slowly setting sun.

"Isn't it?" Stevie comes to a halt next to me, loosely wrapping her arm around me as she leans into my arm. "I missed you."

"I missed you, too," I tell her as I turn to wrap her in my arms. "You look incredible. Who knew red was your color?"

"You think?" she asks, sounding unconvinced as she brushes her hands over the maroon fabric, the strapless top, tight before flowing in an overly pleated skirt that rests just above her ankle. "Thank you. You look pretty amazing yourself."

"Thank you, thank you!" I grin in her direction. "How are bridesmaid duties?"

"Not too many duties today," she says and rests her head against my shoulder. "How's being a wedding guest?"


She laughs as Felix waves her toward the wedding party table. "Looks like I'm being beckoned," she says, untangling herself from me. "I'll meet you on the dance floor?"

"Absolutely," I say, nodding my head as Isla joins us, greeting Stevie in passing as she nudges my arm. "Hey, find our table?"

"I did," she says and hooks her arm through mine, leading me down the small steps and to the right toward the water and crowd of round tables. It's hard not to let my eyes search the crowd for Greyson, but I'm easily distracted when I'm greeted by our table companions for the night.

Emmy and Jonas look up from their phones at the sound of the grass under our heels as we approach. Emmy resting hers on the table surface as Jonas tucks his away into his pocket.

"Hey," I say. "Looks like we'll be joining you."

"Best table in the whole place," Emmy says with a smile.

"Hell yes," I say as I settle into the chair next to Jonas and Isla takes the one next to me, smoothing her skirt over her thigh. Before I can say anything else, Isla cuts right to the point and turns to face me.

"Okay, we need to talk about you and Greyson."

My lips part as Jonas leaves forward. "Is this about the sex eyes they were making at the church?" he asks, drawing Emmy's attention in.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," I say. "They're talking about nothing."

"Robyn has the hots for Greyson," Jonas tells her, leaning back in his seat. "And if it wasn't already obvious, Greyson's into her, too."

"Oh, I already knew that," Emmy says. "He's just an idiot."

"And that is my cue to go get a drink," I say, standing abruptly as I move toward the bar. I lean into the end, waiting to get the bartenders attention when I feel a warm and calloused hand on my shoulder.

"Hey," Greyson says, leaning over my shoulder as his thumb runs over the fabric of my dress. "I smuggled this in for you," he says, and holds out a purple can of soda in front of me.

A small gasp falls from my lips as I take the can from him. "You're amazing."

"I've been told," he says. "I'll see you later."

"Yeah," I nod as he leaves, returning to the wedding table as Isla shoots me a knowing look, the smirk growing with each second.

"Still think it's nothing?" she asks.

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