❤YUMEKO: Little Sister❤

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Her older sister is not crazy

Mary was dragged to meet her girlfriend's family. There wasn't much of a family but y/n was Yumeko's life. Her older sister would take care of the youngest Jabami. Unfortunately the eldest Jabami was attending work when Mary was arriving. Yumeko laughed as she heard the doorbell go.

"Y/n hold up!" Yumeko yelled chasing the 6 year old.

Yumeko opened the door and y/n bounced expecting food. Instead y/n was disappointed seeing a blonde haired girl without pizza.

"Oh." Y/n gave a disappointed look.

"Y/n. Be nice." Yumeko laughed.

"I am!" Y/n grinned running back off.

"Hey babe." Yumeko smiled kissing her girlfriend.

"Hello." Mary smiled.

"Sorry about her. Come in."

"I'd be disappointed too if I saw myself at the door." Mary laughed.

"Hey!" Yumeko whined.

"I'm joking."

"Come on. We have to go before y/n tries to steal every cookie."

"Okay." Mary laughed.

The pair caught the younger Jabami sat with cards scattered all over the floor. Y/n squealed seeing Yumeko rush over to her.

"Y/n no don't put those in your mouth." Yumeko groaned.

"Noms." Y/n giggled.

"Here." Mary held out one of y/n's toys.


"Y/n be nice." Yumeko spoke.

"I am." Y/n grabbed her favourite toy.

Mary sat on the floor as Yumeko sat next to her. Y/n played for awhile, slowly tiring herself. She eventually sat on Yumeko's lap huffing in tiredness.

"All tired?" Yumeko laughed.

"Nap?" Y/n asked.

"Sure honey. Wanna sit on the huge lovesac bean bag?" Yumeko asked.

"Yes!" Y/n giggled.

Yumeko carried the girl over as Mary followed. Mary sat down first then Yumeko leaned on her holding y/n closely. Mary smiled looking at the youngest Jabami. Yumeko held y/n as the younger slept and smiled as Mary held her. Mary hummed watching Yumeko stroke y/n's cheek and smiled widely seeing the girl slowly sleep too. Mary stayed cuddling the two as they slept for awhile. Yumeko woke first moment y/n groaned and cried.

"Shhhhh." Yumeko mumbled.

Yumeko got up from the seat and rocked the girl hoping to settle her but the sound of the smaller's stomach growling made her nod. Yumeko went to the kitchen and grabbed cookie.

"Here y/n. We'll order some pizza." Yumeko giggled.

"Izza?" Y/n yawned.

"Yep. Pizza for me, you and Mary." Yumeko smiled.

"Otay." Y/n bit into the cookie.

Yumeko carried the girl back to the lovesac and smiled seeing her opening her arms. The elder Jabami laid down in her girlfriend's arm holding y/n. Thankfully the tv romote was close so she grabbed it.

"Lets watch cartoons huh?" Yumeko asked.

"Yes." Y/n nodded.

"You're so cute." Mary smiled at her girlfriend.

"I just love my babysiter." Yumeko squeezed the youngest.

"Food?" Y/n asked.

"I'll put cartoons on and then we'll order pizza." Yumeko laughed.

Yumeko placed on some random cartoon and Mary held her phone to her girlfriend. Yumeko took it and went to order food smiling and ordering enough for 4 of them. She'd place her eldest sister's on the side for later. When she paid the three of them continued with cartoons.

"Y/n do you like adventure time?" Yumeko asked.

"Yes. Like, marlene." Y/n clapped.

"Marceline?" Mary asked.


"Cute." Mary smiled.

"Who you like?" Y/n asked.

"I like Flame Princess."


"Y/n here hates her. Still don't know why but she does." Yumeko commented.

"Well how about I like Jake?" Mary smiled.

"Yes." Y/n nodded.

The three of them cuddled for longer watching as the show continued. Y/n would shush the pair when they spoke to each other about when food would arrive or sneak a kiss. Y/n would look in disgust before patting her cheek for Yumeko to kiss her.

"Needy huh?" Mary asked.

"She really is." Yumeko giggled.

"Sounds like someone I know." Mary kissed Yumeko's head.


"Not." Yumeko pouted.

"I am not needy Mary."

"You totally are."

The two were about to continue their arguement but y/n hit Yumeko's hand for attention.

"Fine. We'll shhh." Yumeko laughed.

After some time they heard a knock on the door and Mary got up. She went to the door and paid, even tipping the driver. Thankfully Yumeko set y/n on the floor as Mary brought in the floor. Yumeko put her sister's on the side and grabbed y/n's. She held a slice to her sister and smiled as the youngest ate it.

"Yummy." Y/n ate the food happily.

"Your sister is adorable." Mary laughed.

"She is." Yumeko laughed.

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