The Fuzzy Boots Corollary

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Howard: Alright, just a few more feet, and.... here we are gentlemen, the Gates of Elzebub.

Sheldon: Good lord!

Raj: Oooh.

Leonard: Don't panic, this is what the last 97 hours have been about.

Howard: Stay frosty, there's a horde of armed goblins on the other side of that gate guarding the Sword of Azeroth.

Leonard: Warriors, unsheathe your weapons, magic wielders raise your wands.

Sheldon: Lock and load.

Howard: Raj, blow up the gates.

Raj: Blowing the gates. Control, shift, B! Oh, my God, so many goblins!

Howard: Don't just stand there, slash and move, slash and move.

Leonard: Stay in formation.

Howard: Leonard, you've got one on your tail.

Leonard: That's alright, my tail's prehensile, I'll swat him off.

Raj: I've got him Leonard. Tonight I spice my meat with goblin blood!

Leonard: Raj, no, it's a trap, they're flanking us!

Raj: Oooh, he's got me.

Howard: Sheldon, he's got Raj, use your sleath spell. Sheldon! Sheldon!

Sheldon: I've got the Sword of Azeroth!

Leonard: Forget the sword, Sheldon, help Raj.

Sheldon: There is no more Sheldon, I am the Swordmaster!

Howard: Leonard look out!

Leonard: Dammit man, we're dying here.

Sheldon: Goodbye, peasants.

Leonard: The bastard teleported.

Raj: He's selling the Sword of Azeroth on ebay.

Leonard: You betrayed us for money, who are you?

Sheldon: I'm a rogue knight elf, don't you people read character descriptions? Wait, wait, wait, somebody just clicked "buy it now."

Howard: I am the Swordmaster!

Sheldon: Wooh, I'm all sweaty, anybody want to log on to second life and go swimming, I just built a virtual pool.

Leonard: No, I can't look at you or your avatar right now.

Howard: Sounds like your neighbour's home.

Leonard: Excuse me.

Sheldon: Don't forget the mail you took accidentally on purpose so you'd have an excuse to talk to her.

Leonard: Oh, right, right right right right.

Howard: Stealing snail mail, very old school, I like it.

Leonard : Ariana, the mailman did it again, he...  Oh! Sorry.

Ariana: Um, no, hi Leonard, this is Doug, Doug, this is my neighbour Leonard.

Doug: What's up bro.

Leonard: Not much. Bro.

Ariana: Is, is everything okay.

Leonard: Uh, yeah, uh, I just, I got your mail again, here.

Ariana: Thank you, I've got to talk to that mailman.

Leonard: Oh no, that's probably not such a good idea. Civil servants have a documented propensity to, you know, snap.

Ariana: Okay, well, thank you, again.

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