The Loobenfeld Decay

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So Ariana is back from her trip 

Leonard: See, the liquid metal Terminators were created in the future by Skynet, and Skynet was developed by Miles Dyson, but that future no longer exists, due to Dyson's death in Terminator 2.

Sheldon: Okay, then riddle me this. Assuming all the good Terminators were originally evil Terminators created by Skynet but then reprogrammed by the future John Connor, why would Skynet, an artificial computer intelligence, bother to create a petite hot 17 year-old killer robot?

Leonard: Skynet is kinky? I don't know.

Sheldon: Artificial intelligences do not have teen fetishes.

Leonard: Alright, oh wait, they use it to in...

Sheldon: (Buzzing noise), too late, I win.

Ariana (voice off, singing, quite tunelessly): Let's go-oh-oh Ou-oooo-ut tonight. I have to go-oh-oh-oh ou-ooooo-ut tonight.

Leonard: What the hell is that?

Sheldon: I don't know, but if cats could sing, they'd hate it too. (The continue up the stairs and disappear from view).

Ariana (still singing off): You wanna prowl, be my night owl, (Leonard and Sheldon reappear, running down the stairs) we'll take my... (appearing) Hey guys, hi! Where you going?

Leonard: What? Oh we just had to... mail some letters and (seeing Sheldon has large bag in hand and bin is nearby) throw away some chicken. (Sheldon very reluctantly does.)

Ariana: You'll never guess what just happened.

Leonard: Oh, I give up.

Sheldon: I don't guess. As a scientist I reach conclusions based on observation and experimentation, although as I'm saying this it occurs to me you may have been employing a rhetorical device rendering my response moot.

Ariana: What was that?

Leonard: Believe it or not, personal growth. What happened?

Ariana: Alright, remember when I auditioned for that workshop production of Rent, but I didn't get it and I couldn't figure out why?

Sheldon: I have a conclusion based on an observation.

Leonard: No you don't. No he doesn't.

Ariana: Well, the girl they picked to play Mimi, she dropped out and they asked me to replace her.

Leonard: Oh, congratulations, what a lucky break.

Ariana: It's not a big deal, just a one night showcase, but they invite a lot of casting people and agents so, you never know.

Sheldon: I think I know.

Leonard: No you don't. He doesn't.

Ariana: It's this Friday at eight, you guys want to come?

Together: No.

Leonard: Because.... uh, Friday, we are attending a symposium on molecular positronium.

Sheldon: I think that's a week from Tuesday at six.

Leonard: No, it's this Friday, at eight.

Ariana: Oh, too bad, well, I got to get to rehearsal, see you guys.

Leonard: See you. (Ariana exits singing)

Sheldon: You just lied to Ariana.

Leonard: Yes, I did.

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