22. Really Here?

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Sandhya Pov

It's been past ten minutes I am continuously trying Akash's number in the hope that at least it will ring once but sadly I am getting the same response again and again.

'The number you are trying to reach is currently switched off. Please try again later.'

I squeezed me eyes and tried to think of some way to find out about his whereabouts. Suddenly an idea popped up on my mind.

I instantly stood up from my seat and went towards the enquiry counter. I enquired about the availability of tickets and thanks to God the tickets are available but the timing of the next flight is after two hours. No problem. For Akash's wellbeing I can wait for eternity and it's only two hours.

Without wasting any second I dialled Dad's number and asked him to book a ticket for me.

I can't sit here and only dial his switched off number. So, I decided that I myself will go where Akash went for his trip and find him.

Initially Dad sounded unimpressed by my decision but I convinced him and he agreed.

I sat down on the bench and waited for these two hours to past as soon as possible.

I entangled my fingers together as if I am praying. Well it's true I am praying. Praying for his safety for his wellbeing.

I continued to shake my feet up and down impatiently, one of my old habit whenever I feel tensed.

I continued to check the time after every five minutes in the hope to pass it soon.

In between I called Binod uncle to inform him that I am going to search Akash. Satvik also wanted to accompany me but I convinced him that his presence is required here. I explained him In Akash's absence he needs to take care of business as well as uncle and Aunty. He understood the scenario and agreed to stay.

Only twenty minutes left for the flight to take off. I stood up from my seat in order to finish all the formalities before boarding the flight.

As I was rushing forward I don't even understand how did this happen suddenly someone came in my way and I collided very badly with his pillar like physique. Damn! My nose.

"Arrrr! Are you blind?", I shouted angrily.

"Hey girlfriend! What a pleasant surprise? Are you here to welcome me?"

This voice! It's familiar. Is he? I instantly lifted up my head to have a look on my culprit and here he is, Akash. Am I hallucinating again?

I observed him from head to toe. I can't believe on my eyes so I did something unusual. I went closer to him and rested my ear over his chest to hear his heart beat. It's really beating. So, it means he is really standing here! I don't know why? I still can't believe it.

I grabbed his jaw in between my palms and twisted them from left to right. It's weird! I don't know why I am doing this? I guess! I need to see a psychiatrist.

I noticed he is observing my every action amusedly with a little tint of confusion.

God! Is he really here?

I saw a lady passing beside us.

"Excuse me!", I said to that lady.

"Yes?", She replied.

"Can you pinch me?", I said while forwarding my right arm towards her.

"Huh! What?", She enquired shockingly.

"Can you pinch me? Please.", I requested her.

She looked at me weirdly as if she is dealing with a mad woman. Obviously! who ask a random person to pinch? Well, It's me and I am sure I have gone nuts. This is what the emotion called love does to your brain.

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