Chapter 9

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A/N: How does this have so much support? Oh god, I thank you all deeply. This is part two of the investigation.

Shuichi walked up to the Ultimate Maid with a plan in mind. He would first ask her for her alibi. After the routine was done, he would then ask her about what happened while he was gone. And, who knows. Maybe after he finishes investigating, he'll try to talk to Kokichi. It would be nice to get a different perspective.

Wait. Why would he go talk to Kokichi first? What was happening to him?

"Is there something you need, Shuichi?" Kirumi asked. Shuichi then realized that he had been standing infront of her without talking for quite sometime. He felt his face go red from embarrassment.

"U-uh. Im sorry. I just sorta... spaced out, heh-heh..." Shuichi tried his best to laugh it off, but he instead just made it more awkward.

"That's alright. It happens to the best of us." Kirumi smiled reassuringly.

"Right. Er, Kirumi? Could I get your alibi? It's for the investigation." Shuichi nervously looked to the side to avoid eye contact. He was such a mess.

"Of course. It is my duty to fulfill everyone's request. And if it helps with the investigation, I'll offer every piece of information I have." Kirumi bowed in a maid way.

"I was with Miu, Himiko, Kaede and Ryoma in the dining hall. I was preparing some dishes for them. I believe that if you ask any one them, my alibi can be back up." Kirumi stood in such a proper manner, it sometimes made Shuichi self-conscious of how bad his own posture was.

"Thank you very much Kirumi." Shuichi wrote down that their alibis have been clarified. All he needed were Kaede, Miu, Tenko and Angie. But first, there was some business he needed to take care of. "Ah, Kirumi? Do you mind if I ask you one more question?"

"Of course, Shuichi." Kirumi slightly tilted her head as if she was confused on what Shuchi could possibly need. Nonetheless, she would listen to his question. After all, it was her duty as a maid to fulfill every request given to her at the best of her ability. She was grateful that Kokichi had not told anyone about how awkward she was while comforting him. If he did, who knows what would've happened to her career.

"You know how Kokichi and I were stuck in the kitchen for a period of time...?" Kirumi nodded and Shuichi felt dumb. Of course she knew. She was there when it happened. "Yea, okay. I felt that if I want to be of more use to you, I'll need to know what happened in that period of time. So, if you could... please tell me what had happened?"

Kirumi nodded. Shuichi felt relief. It'd be a huge issue if she had refused. "Thank you. Could you please not tell anyone else that I asked you?"

"If you wish, I shall do so. Now, if you excuse me, I'll start addressing what happened in that period of time." Shuichi nodded, allowing her to continue.

"Okay. The moment the door closed behind you two, we immediately went over there. We tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Not even Gonta's strength could open the door. I found this quite odd. It appeared as if Monokuma had gone to quite some lengths in order to keep you two locked in there. Soon enough, Monokuma appeared.

"He said that you two would be stuck there until one of us killed somebody. Of course, it was natural to panic. We feared that you two would starve there. Quickly, it died down as we realized that you two were in the kitchen. There was quite alot of food in the kitchen, so you wouldn't starve. After this, we relaxed slightly, knowing that you two would be okay.

"Monokuma came again. He commented on how he didn't want the atmosphere to be so hopeful. We ignored him since we thought he was only there to bother us. It was quite the opposite actually. He said that two research labs have been opened: the Ultimate Inventor's lab, and the Ultimate Pianist's lab. Miu and Kaede were estatic about it. Both of them left the dining hall to go explore them.

The Fear of the Past //Saiouma (Pregame)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя