Chapter 15

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Kokichi walked around with no particular goal in mind. He wasn't in the mood to just lie around and do nothing.

Maybe he could go exploring. Although there was a chance that he'd run into Shuichi, since he was tasked with using the items to find new areas. Kokichi imagined that would be way more fun than to just walk around the school.

Then there was the phone.

He wanted desperately to go to the gym and guard it at all cost. Yet that would make him suspicious. After all, why would a supreme leader of evil look after something? Surely it'd be because they would want to use the phone for themselves. Although, that was not the case.

But alas, doing that was out of his reach.

He sighed as he stopped infront of the End Wall. It was so big. So suffocating. It made him feel sick as he imagined the walls crumbling down on them, squishing them all like bugs.

He yearned to get out of the cage. He felt like a trapped animal. A completely vulnerable animal.

"Oh great. Another memory."


The small boy hug his knees as tears fell out of his eyes. Biting his lips to stifle his sobs.

He was currently hiding in a cupboard inside the school kitchen. It felt really cramped, and really really uncomfortable.

Suddenly, light peeked onto the darkness, suprising the small boy. He looked up to see a girl about his age. Her features were kind and caring. She reminded him of his former mom.

"Oh dear. Are you okay?" Her voice was so kind, it made him feel as if her mother was there.

Without thinking, he jumped into her arms, hiding his face in her neck. The female was suprised for a second, before hugging back and clutching the small male tighter.

"Shhh, don't worry. It's going to be alright now." She whispered reassuringly. She felt the sudden urge to protect him at all costs.

The smaller male felt so safe in her arms. It was like having his mother all over again. He started crying more as he thought of his deceased mother.

"It's alright. I'll always be by your side. Please don't cry."


Kokichi smiled softly. He seemed to have had a person to confide into. Just like he did.

He walked away from the End Wall, his spirits slightly lifted. The memory was one of the handful of good memories that he had recived, and in all honesty, they made him feel happy. It was almost worth the suffering he had to go through while feeling the other memories. Almost.

He had arrived at the school, going inside quickly but quietly. He saw Himiko walking somewhere. He had the sudden idea to surprise her.

"Would you look at that. It's the fake mage." He walked up to her suddenly, startling her in the process. Judging by the direction of Himiko's direction, it seemed as if she was coming from the gym area. Strange. Although she could've been coming from the Warehouse or the Dining Hall.

"I am a mage! It's just magician on paper." She replied, annoyed at the fact that he insisted that she was fake. "What do you want anyway? Im on my way to my lab."

"Your lab?" He cocked his head in confusion. What did she mean by her lab?

"Nyeh. My research lab. I was told that Shuichi opened it." She turned her back to him, continuing to walk towards the direction in which she first started at. "Now if you excuse me, I have better things to do."

Kokichi stared at the direction in which she went to for a little while. He wondered how his research lab would look like. He wondered if he would live long enough to see how it looks like.

Hmm, maybe he could go check out everyone's research lab. Depending on their contents, it could serve as proof against the mastermind. Plus, he was bored out of his mind, and he was sure that he could find something interesting in them.

He quickly dismissed the idea. Nobody would allow him to even get near their research labs, much less enter them. It would be like inviting a fox into a rabbit's burrow. A terrible idea.

Which wasn't completely wrong. If the mastermind by any chance had their lab open, they must know that Kokichi was collecting information against them. So inviting him into their lab could very well bring their whole system crumbling down.

With one last look, he walked away from the area.

He walked towards the gym. Screw people misunderstanding what he was doing. He wanted to check the phone out.

As soon as he entered, he realized something was wrong.

He walked up to the phone carefully. He stared at it for a little while before coming to a conclusion.

Someone had used the phone.

He could tell this by the scratches on the phone holder. He picked up the phone, and smiled grimly. The area in which you dialed the phone number in was nothing like before. The phone holder has some scratches on it. He imagined that whoever had used the phone had heard some bad news, and put the phone down with some force. It had damaged the paint and scratched some off.

He felt upset. A working retro phone was hard to find these days. Yet this person had injured it. The beautiful coat of red around the whole phone had been ruined.

He put the phone down carefully. Someone had used the phone. That means the motive has started it's motion already. He should expect a dead body very soon.

Yet, he had the choice to stop it. If he showed proof to everyone, they could decide who had used it. Well, that was if they believed him. Knowing how they acted towards him told him everything that he needed to know. They wouldn't believe anything he said. They'd probably claim innocence and say that he was only trying to pit them against each other.

He smirked. There were sometimes in which he truly felt evil, snd this was one of them.

"Okay then. Let them suffer. We'll see who's crying when one of their dear friends show up dead." He placed his arms behind his back and walked outside.

The door closed quietly behind him. He hoped that no one had seen him. If that was the case, then he would've been blamed of using the phone.

Ah but, that was a excellent idea. He imagined that the actual culprit would start pointing fingers on him, shifting the blame from them onto him. Although, he doubted that the actual culprit wasn't that smart.

And so, Kokichi dismissed all possibilites of helping the others. He really had no choice though. After all, he had promised the mastermind that he wouldn't stop the game immediately, but continue it.

And if you knew him well, his word was to be trusted.

A/N: Ima try to update every two days now. Or maybe I'll update earlier at times.

The Fear of the Past //Saiouma (Pregame)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz