Chapter 18

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"Hahaha, I fucked up."

Kokichi was currently screaming internally. He had really messed up.

Even for him, making a joke of Rantaro's death was too low. Especially when he knew that the others where doing their best to get over it. He just had to go and bring down their spirits. Fitting of an antagonist such as himself.

He sat on the floor of his room, wondering what he should do now. He was probably hated by the others, or at least disliked. He knew that if he were in their shoes, he'd definitely dislike himself.

Well, there was nothing he could do now. After all, his role was to mess up the trial and to be seen as a dick, but at the same time, be against despair and everything related to that. Well, he was definitely doing that role correctly.

He figured he should go over what he knew. Or what had happened.

Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Supreme Leader, had recived the memories of his former self. He imagined that the mastermind had wanted to watch him crumble and fall into despair as he regained the memories of his former self. Luckily, he had an iron will. Even after all the memories he had to go through, his resolve was still strong.

He had openly challenged the mastermind. To this day, he still hated himself for doing so. It made working in the shadows alot harder. He also had to keep a silly vow, restraining him from sharing important information to the others. What a silly thing he had done,

Rantaro Amami, Ultimate unknown, was killed by Tsumugi Shirogane, Ultimate Cosplayer. She was in cahoots with the mastermind, yet she claimed that she couldn't remember who the mastermind was. He figured that she knew everything about her former self, except for who the mastermind was. It was quite a clever trick

They had also recived a new motive. Compared to the others, this one was much better. It gave both temptation and motive to kill. Especially to those like Ryoma who wanted to find someone he cared about, or someone who cared about him. Of course, it was expected to be used.

Whoever used the phone was unknown. Kokichi figured it was used in between breakfast yesterday morning, and around 5 in the evening yesterday. He had found out it was used around that time, so it was only natural to assume that it was used in between that time zone. Whoever used it had been quite careless too. They went as far as to peel away some paint. The fact that it was used was revealed when Ryoma confirmed that he wanted to use it, but was refrained from doing so after finding out that it had already been used.

That was pretty much everything that had happened since he had arrived there. Or at least the key points. He knew that it was just starting. He couldn't imagine the despair that lay in store for them. After all, this was Danganronpa. A show created solely to harvest despair and to feed it to the terrible creatures known as humans. The mastermind wouldn't let them off too easily. Or at least untill they created enough despair.

Kokichi sighed. He should probaly start preparing for the next kill. After all, the motive was already used. It wouldn't be too long until a dead body showed up. Plus, he actually needed to investigate this time. He wasn't really too knowledgeable in the last class trial. He had just gained a couple of key points and had let the others fill up the empty spaces. It wasn't a solid strategy. Nor a reliable one. He shouldn't count on letting the others do the work for him.

He stood up from his position on the floor, stretching his small pale arms. His legs had gotten a little numb after staying in the same position for some time. He awkwardly walked over to his bed and lied down with a sigh. His legs were dangling off the edge of the bed. He covered his face with his arms and proceeded to sulk a little.

The Fear of the Past //Saiouma (Pregame)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora