Chapter 13

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Kokichi woke up quickly, sitting up on his bed. After taking a look at his surroundings, he sighed.

It appeared as if he had fallen asleep on Gonta. And judging by the fact that he was currently in his bed, either Gonta or Kirumi had taken him back to his bed. He was a little grateful for that, but he did let his guard down.

If he really thought about it, it didn't really matter anymore. He trusted them, and apparently, they liked being around him. They reminded him of D.I.C.E.

He figured he didn't have to worry about them being killed. Gonta was strong, and Kirumi could do practically everything. There was no way that someone would even dare to approach either of them.

That put his mind on ease a little. He wouldn't have to take extra precautions to ensure their saftey.

"Ding Dong Bing Bong. This is a official announcement. Please gather to the gym quickly."

Kokichi looked up to his now ringing monitor. What a pain. He had just woken up and already he needed to be somewhere. Wait. He sounded awfully like Himiko just now.

Judging by the fact that it was telling them to go to the gym, he figured it would be another motive. The announcement was phrased awfully similar to the one in which he recived the first motive. It was only logical to think that they would be receiving another motive. Plus, they seemed to recive a motive every cha- I mean, every time before a killing takes place. It usually appears in between the period of time in which the trial was completed, and before a murder took place.

It was only logical that one would be presented before a killing would take place. After all, it's pure purpose was to fuel their killing intent.

As he made his way to the gym, he let his mind wonder off. What would be the new motive exactly? Would another person recived their "real" memories? If so, who?

"I sure hope it isn't him." He whispered under his breath as he arrived at the doors. It seemed quite ominous. The weed and grass growing around the door, as well as the ivy hanging from the top rim of the door. It seemed as if he was about to open the door to a completely new world. Well, it certainly could be. And it wouldn't be a pleasant one either.

When he entered, he was suprised to see that he was not the last one to enter. In fact, he was the first. Well, almost. Kaede and Shuichi were already there. They were chatting, closely huddled together. Kokichi instinctively glared at Kaede. He didn't know why exactly, but Kokichi never liked her. Perhaps it was her annoying positivity. Or maybe it was the fact that she was always with Shuichi. She was practically all over him.

He ignored the two and walked over away from there. He was facing the currently empty stage, arms crossed with an annoyed look on his face. To anyone passing by who saw his expression, they would immediately think that he was beyond annoyed to be called there. And in all honesty, he was annoyed.

Slowly but surely, all the other students began to pile in. Of course, Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Idiots, was the first to speak up.

"What would Monokuma's reason be for calling us here?" Kokichi scoffed under his breath, silently making fun of Kaito for not realizing that a new motive would be presented.

"Shut your wet mouth up!" Miu said suddenly. "Go to a corner and play with yourself! Leave the adults to discuss important things!" For once, Kokichi found himself agreeing with Miu. He wouldn't find it odd if they both bonded over making fun of Kaito.

Maki was about to open her mouth to form what was most likely a threat when she was interrupted by the high pitched voice they knew so well.

Monokuma appeared out of nowhere on the stage, a look of disapproval in his face.

"Nu uh! No bullying!" He put his hands(paws?) on his hips the same way a mother would scold her child. "If your gonna bully someone, go ahead and kill them! If you really hate them that much, just silence them forever!"

The atmosphere grew quiet. So quiet in fact, that it made Kokichi nervous. Attempting to break the silence, he did the one thing he did best. Be "Kokichi".

"Monokuma! What is it you need now?"

He turned to find the source of the voice that was definitely not his. It appeared as if someone had beaten him to the punch. It didn't suprise him at all to find out that the owner of the voice was no other than Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Piano Freak.

(Im sorry, I love Kayayayde)

Monokuma looked offended. "Being shouted at by a girl makes me sad... maybe I won't give ya'll the special gift I prepared."

Kokichi couldn't help his curiosity. He knew that the so called "gift" could very well drive one of them to murder, but he wanted to know what the "gift" was. So far, the only motives they've received has all been crappy, and definitely not capable of driving them to murder.

"Awhh! But I want to see Monokuma's gift!" Seeing the annoyed expressions of the others, he put on a pouty face. "What? He prepared it especially for us! It's only right to at least see it!"

"It's nice to see someone appreciate my hard work." Monokuma said as the mushrooms that seemed to be growing on him suddenly disappeared.

"Now, without further ado, I present to you, a new motive!" He spread his arms wide, awaiting the expressions from the students.

He was met with expressions of terror and a poker face or two. He sighed as he walked to the back of the stage to come back with a box. He placed the box on the stage, in eye view to the students.

They stared at it for a while, wondering how a box could be a motive. They looked up at him in confusion.

Monokuma cleared his throat before explaining. "I present to you, the "Phone Motive"!" He uncased the box, revealing a bright red retro styled phone. Everyone exclaimed in surprise as they wondered how the phone could possibly serve as the motive.

Seeing their expressions, Monokuma's smile grew wider. "Ah, so your wondering what this motive is exactly? Glad you asked!

This phone is no ordinary phone. In fact, it's very special. The phone range can reach anywhere around the world. Specifically, it can reach your loved ones. Have you ever wanted to check up on your loved one! With this phone you can! But, there's a catch. Only one use is available. That means, only one call can be made. Pupupu.... I wonder which lucky contestant will have the honor of making the call!"

With those words, Monokuma left the shocked students silently. Monokuma seemed to exsit only to make their lives miserable. And so far, he was succeeding.

Kokichi had to admit that it was a amazing motive. Compared to the others, this was way above their level. It created both a temptation and reason to kill. They had been stuck there for weeks already, he assumed that they all wanted to contact the outside world to assure their saftey. Plus, the fact that it can only be used once. Because of this, they might be at each other's throats in an instant, fighting to get the call. It was the perfect motive.

He just wondered how they would react to it.

(Sorry it was rushed.)

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