Chapter 12

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It was the day after the class trial.

Kokichi stared at the ceiling while flexing his hand in front of him. His mind was some where else. Where exactly? He didn't know. All that he knew was that he wanted to get out of here. He didn't want to be there anymore.

He was tired. Oh so very tired. The class trial had left him exhausted and it was only the first one. He knew there'd be at least six trials in total. He shouldn't let the first one exhaust him.

But he wanted to sleep. He wished for an endless slumber. To close his eyes and never open them again. He felt so comfortable in his bed, he did not want to move.

But he had to. He was the only one who knew who the real mastermind was. He had to beat her. Even if he ended up dying, he could trust the others to carry his wish. He needed to expose her. That was the only way.

After starting at the back of his hand for a few minutes, he put it beside him with a sigh. He didn't have the energy to fight any mastermind today. He felt like relaxing, and maybe taking his facade off for a little. But if he were to do it, he'd need to be with someone he could trust.

"Gonta." He spoke out loud without meaning to. It seemed as if his body already knew the answer to his predicament. "I can invite Kirumi too..."

He stood up on his bed quickly, suprised at himself for thinking such things. But. He wasn't wrong.

He felt that spending some time with those two would help him take his mind off his worries. He knew it wasn't exactly right to try to forget them, but he just couldn't help it. Plus, it's not like he'll just ignore all of his problems. He'll just put them aside for now. If he overworked himself, he'd probably end up going crazy. For real.

He jumped off the bed, flinching as his bare feet touched the cold hard floor. He made a mental note to go to the warehouse later in order to find a carpet. Was that even allowed?

He then proceeded to stare at himself in the mirror for a while. He was debating if he should try doing something with his hair. He decided against it. Plus there was really nothing he could do about it. It'd be best to leave it as it is.

After adjusting his scarf, as well as putting on his shoes he left the dorm silently.

He wondered where he should go first. Maybe he'll just walk around aimlessly and hope to find them. It'd be a leap of faith, but he should trust what little luck he had.

He exited the dormitory and started walking around aimlessly. It didn't really make sense, but then again, he didn't make sense at all. His current world didn't make sense either. So why should he put the effort onto trying to make sense?

After a while of walking, he spotted a big shape that could only be identified as Gonta. Maybe Nagito was on his side after all...

He rushed over to where Gonta lay, startling Gonta in the process. He looked up suddenly, surprised at the little boy who had come up to him.

"K-kokichi!" Kokichi just smiled and sat beside him. "Um, Kokichi want Gonta help?"

Kokichi thought about it for a while before nodding. "Gonta. Could you go find Kirumi? I wanna hang out with her and you." To anyone else, they would've assumed that Kokichi was lying, but to the pure hearted Gonta he could tell that Kokichi meant those words.

Gonta nodded eagerly and got up from his place underneath the tree. "Ok! Gonta find Kirumi and bring here!" With those words, he ran to the building, starting his search for the maid.

A gust of wind came by, ruffling Kokichi's hair. He looked up to the sky, mind wandering. It looked so beautiful. It was hard to belive that he was in a killing game right now. But then again, he did watch one of his classmate be executed a few hours ago.

He stared at it for a little while longer, at the beautiful blue sky. Fluffy white clouds were scattered around, making it a nice contrast to the blue sky. He frowned slightly.

To him, the sky was mocking him. It was showing him freedom, that he could never have. The sky seemed to be laughing at them, amused at the despair happening at the school.

Kokichi sighed and lied down. He knew that it would take Gonta some time to find Kirumi, so he figured that he should just relax.

After a while of relaxing, Gonta came back with Kirumi close behind. Seeing them arrive, Kokichi stood up, contemplating if he should keep up his facade or just be himself. His eyes landed on Kirumi for a second before deciding that he'd rather just be himself. After all, she knew that most of his smiles and lies were fake, and that he was really sensible and thoughtful.

"Kirumi! Gonta. Come sit over here." He pat the grass beside him with a slight smile. The other two nodded and did as they were told.

"What do Kokichi want Gonta do?" Gonta asked, happy that Kokichi wanted him around.

"Hmm... Lay down." Kokichi thought about it for a second before responding. Gonta nodded and did as he was told.

Kokichi stared at Gonta's giant structure. He seemed like a big, comfortable bed. So comfortable...

Without thinking, Kokichi went over and layed on Gonta. Since he was so small, he fit perfectly on the big males body. Gonta served as a bed, and a good one at that.

Gonta tensed up as his felt the sudden weight on him, but he soon let his body relax.

"Gonta, do you not mind?" Kirumi asked, concern noticeable in her voice.

Gonta smiled slightly before responding. "No. Gonta happy. Kokichi always lie. Now, Kokichi tired and sad. Gonta want Kokichi happy, so Gonta let Kokichi rest."

Kirumi looked startled for a second. She didn't know that there was someone else that Kokichi had opened up to.

Kirumi let her facial features relax into a smile. She felt happy and glad that there was someone else that Kokichi could feel comfortable with.

Slowly but steadily, she inched closer to the two of them until her body was leaning against Gonta's. Seeing as he didn't object or make any movement, she let her body relax. She let herself drift onto sleep, not caring for the duties that she had to complete.

And so, the three slept in peace. It was like the calm before the storm.

A shadowy figure watched the three of them, plans for the future filling their mind. A small smile appeared, but it was anything but kind.

Yes... exactly like the calm before the storm. And it appeared as if the storm would be a big one.

The Fear of the Past //Saiouma (Pregame)Where stories live. Discover now