chapter 1

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Y/n pov:

All of us were at this house that they were still working on. John B was at the edge of the roof while i was reading a book next to my brother.

I wasn't listening to what they were saying. "Hey uh security is here"
Pope looked down to were the guys were getting out of the car.

"Ok lets role" JJ said while helping me up. I grab my book and dust off my shorts. We ran thru the house while one of them almost grabbed JJ

"Sorry man not much of a hugger"
I laughed at what my brother said while climbing over the fence.
Me, pope and JJ hop in the van,

The cop was chasing after the van,
I just sat dow in the back and read my book.


We were pasting figure 8 that is where the kooks live.
Then we got to the cut, the cut is were we live.

Me and JJ have know john B since the third grade.
Let me tell you more about my friends

Lets start with kiara or kei what we call her, she love turtles and has a dolphin tattoo. Yeah kiara is rich but she gets the best of both worlds.

Her family owns the wreck the best food place on the south side.
Her parents don't really like the boys but they don't have a problem with me.

And last pope he is the brains of the group the only one with a future.
Pope has a scholarship, he is a little shy but kind of a weirdo.

He works for his dad heyward they sale stuff around outer banks.

So that's my crew me,kei,pope, JJ and john B.

Next day-

I had to stay on the floor by the pull out cause JJ had a girl over.
Me and JJ have to share a room with only one bed but i have gotten used to being kicked out.

Turns out there is a hurricane coming...which mean i get to go surfing with pope and john B.
I know what your thinking
Why would you go surfing dearing a hurricane well i am going just because it seemed fun when john B asked me.

We ran out to the beach that was closed. Pope was to scared to go in the water so it was just me and john B.
I got in the water and the waves were strong. I tried to surf one but ended up falling off. I went underwater and couldn't get to the surface.

Next thing i know i woke up in my bed but JJ wasn't there...
I went outside and saw jj and john B but the whole front yard was a mess...

JJ asked me if i wanted to fish with them i agreed but i had to go to the Cameron's later to help clean there yard i got a job there for good money to.

I was sitting in the back of the boat reading a book while we saw pope and slowed the boat down.
"I cant my dad's got me on lock down"
Pope said while his dad walked closer to him. "Your dad's a pussy over" jj said in a radio voice.

"I heard that you little bastard" popes dad said walking closer to pope.
"We need your son" john B said.
"And its a rule after a hurricane is a free day" jj said making that rule up

"Who the hell made that up" popes dad didn't believe it.

"I will do it tomorrow, i promise"
Pope said putting the woes down.
"No,no,no you are going to do it now"
Popes dad looked mad .

"Make a run for it" jj whispered to pope. His dad was yelling while we started to dive away.
"I am sorry, we will bring him back i swear" i yelled at popes dad cause he had a sweet spot for me, most people in this town did.

Then we saw kie, i looked back at my book that had wet marks from water splashing on it. I didn't care I continued to read.
Then every one was moving to the back of the boat i looked up to see my brother trying to do something with his beer.

He was at the very front of the boat and tried to drink his beer but some got on my book now i was just getting pissed. Then all of a sudden the boat stoped fast and me and jj flew forward.

I tried to swim up down i couldn't then i felt arms pick me up it was jj he swam to the boat with my arms wrapped around his neck so i don't fall off.
(Remember y'all are siblings so don't get any ideas💀)
JJ helped me climb on the boat,
"You ok jj" jonh B asked him
"I think my heels touched the back of my head" jj said getting onto the boat.

They ended up finding a boat
And jj grounded me cause he found out i surfed the surge with john B.
Then john B was going to dive down.
JJ pushed him in the water and we waited for him to rise up from the water.

They all waited at the side of the boat for him to come up but i stayed in my seat and read my book.
He came up and rised a motel key.

(Ok so i know this book sucks already but please don't give up on it yet )

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