Chapter 28

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Sorry for bad grammar and mistakes

Jimin was looking down in his arms. He was holding his bundle of joy, the reason why he escaped from Jungkook.

He heard gurgling, Jimin smiled he was still crying but of joy. J-hope left to get some food for Jimin.

Jimin's son was sleeping peacefully after he was breastfed by his mommy.

The doctors told him that his pup survived from the hits that he got, they told him that it was a miracle that his son survived. Because babies don't survive from that.

When J-hope told him that his pup survived the hits, Jimin burst into tears. He saw a nurse bringing in his baby who was still sleeping. When the nurse gently held the baby to give it to Jimin. He was scared for a moment to see who his child will resemble but he knew he shouldn't be afraid, this is his baby.

So the moment Jimin held his child, he saw how his baby was precious. But when his son opens his eyes he had Jungkook's eyes. The pup resembled Jungkook but he had Jimin's plump lips.

Jimin didn't care it was his son the one that will never leave him.

J-hope came back with some snacks he smiled when Jimin was adoring his son. Maybe in the future, it will be like that with their pups.

Jimin looked up to see J-hope looking at him, he blushed.

"You look beautiful Jimin", J-hope said.

Jimin giggled a little holding his baby, J-hope sat next to him opening some random snack to feed his boyfriend.

"Hobi ummm...can I-I ask you something?" Jimin said shyly.

J-hope nodded, "How is Y-Y-Yoongi?"

J-hope was silent he looked at the other side not wanting to make eye contact with Jimin. He sighed.

"He's not fine...Who would?" J-hope looked at Jimin sadly.

Jimin looked at his son, Taehyung would be here next to him gushing about how his pup was so cute and adorable. Supporting him through this progress.

But he wasn't...Taehyung is somewhere still pregnant could be in labor anytime soon.

Jimin started to cry, why couldn't he save him or protect him?! Why did he let Jungkook take him!? He should've done something at least stop him someway! It was his fault that Taehyung isn't here, Yoongi being miserable because of him!

J-hope could feel Jimin's distress and guilt.

"Jiminie it isn't your fault that this happened. Please calm down, we will find Taehyung soon. Don't cry look your pup is fine if he is fine that means that we find Taehyung. Be strong for your pup and me please." J-hope said softly hugging the side of Jimin, kissing his cheek.

Jimin cradles his son closer to his chest hugging him tightly.


Taehyung was sitting on a chair, running his hands around his big belly. He's is now nine months pregnant, making his breasts swollen even though it was already swollen.

He had a leaking accident when Jungkook hugged him. Taehyung couldn't push him away since he was weak, Jungkook felt something wet he looked down to see something stain Taehyung's shirt.

Taehyung went to the bathroom whimpering about how it hurt so bad. He cursed at Jungkook and for being a pervert.

Taehyung sighed he will be giving birth anytime soon, Yoongi probably won't be here for him. That was the scary part for him.

Jungkook was scary he bought the baby stuff everything that was needed for the birth.

Taehyung was worried, he told Jungkook to take him back to Yoongi. He will be giving birth soon and that he needs to go to the hospital that way it is easier.

But Jungkook was stubborn and possessive over him that he growled a no. That Taehyung will be giving birth here in this house in the bed like the old times.

Taehyung looked at the wall, Jimin would've given birth theses two weeks. Was the pup a girl or boy? Was she/he be an omega or alpha. Will it look like Jimin or that monster? Hopefully looks like Jimin.

"You know, we could've met your brother even though he is not your biological brother but maybe you guys could've got along well," Taehyung whispered to his sons.

Yes, he knew it was boys since the doctor accidentally told him when Yoongi had to leave to use the bathroom. They were at the hospital for his appointment. Too bad Yoongi missed that.

The doctor apologized to Taehyung, it was supposed to be a surprise but no. He told to the doctor it was fine just said not to tell his mate.

Taehyung smiled at the memory tears almost building up, how is Yoongi doing? Probably bad...

That's when he felt a pain in his tummy, he crouched down gripping on the chair closing his eyes tightly.

The pain vanished, Taehyung sighed, it was nothing. Taehyung looked at the blocked windows maybe it was night time in the room the lights were turned on.

Taehyung stood up to go to bed since he was tired. That's when the pain came back but this time it hurt bad.

Taehyung put his hand on his tummy.

That's when he felt something dripping down his pants, Taehyung looks down only to see a puddle of water.

His water broke. Looks like the pups are coming out right now...

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