Chapter 21

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Sorry for bad grammar and mistakes

Yoongi came back from work, right now he was driving fast to his house. What Jimin warned him about Jungkook alarmed him more.

He shouldn't be afraid since he is true blood but Taehyung is an omega who can submit, he is scared that someone can harm his mate.

He parked his car, running towards the door slamming it open, scaring Jin.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOONGI!" Jin screamed putting his chest where his heart was beating faster.

Yoongi didn't say anything only ran upstairs, going towards their shared room, he opened it gently seeing his mate sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Yoongi breathed out a sigh, he walked to the bed, he bends down kissing the forehead of Taehyung. That made Taehyung stirred in his sleep.

He opened his eyes slowly to see Yoongi smiling up at him.

"You came back?" Taehyung asked getting up, rubbing his eyes. Yoongi sat down on the bed, seeing how adorable his mate was.

"Yes, I didn't have a lot of work." Yoongi lied when Jimin left he left his company going straight home.

Yoongi caressed Taehyung's face, Taehyung loved the feeling, Yoongi used his other hand to rub the bump of Taehyung.

"What do think it will be, an alpha or omega?" Taehyung asked putting his hand on top of Yoongi's.

Yoongi smiled, "I think it will be an alpha since I more dominant."

Taehyung pouted he wanted to have an omega but he was fine having an alpha.

(Don't get mad at me I studied it on chemistry, I don't want to explain it because some of you guys won't get it but it's fine.)

"It will probably have your cat eyes," Taehyung said giggling.

Yoongi chuckled, "It will have your eyelashes, your moles, lips, everything from their momma." Yoongi said getting closer to Taehyung.

Taehyung was getting closer too, they were about to kiss until...


Yoongi put both his hands on Taehyung's ears, "Hyung don't scream, I just wanted to see my mate." Yoongi said looking like -_-

"Well don't do that again you almost made me have a heart attack and I'm not even that old, so don't kill me I want to see my grandbabies," Jin said.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, Jin was exaggerating too much but he loved that part of his mother-in-law.

"I'm sorry Jin I won't do it again." Yoongi apologized.

Jin nodded, "Now come the food is ready my Taehyungie needs to be fed and the baby."

Yoongi helped Taehyung get up from the bed. The three walked to the kitchen to see the table full of food like a banquet.

"That's a lot of food Jin," Yoongi said.

"Of course Namjoon and I will have dinner here we will be like family," Jin said happily.

Taehyung clapped happily, he missed when his eomma, appa, and he would have dinner together.

Yoongi smiled if this made his mate happy then he would accept it. That's when they heard the door open and they saw Namjoon coming in holding a bottle of wine.

"NAMJOON DON'T BRING WINE I SAID JUICE! JUST HOW DID YOU GET CONFUSED ON THAT?!" Jin yelled at Namjoon while he was scratching his hair.

Taehyung laughed at his parents, Yoongi admiring him he won't let Jungkook hurt him or get him back never until his last breath on this world.

Jungkook and Jimin's house

Jimin was dropped by to his house well someone drove him. He entered the house feeling the atmosphere cold.

He walked slowly, his breathing quickening, he put both his arms on his pregnant tummy protecting it.

"Where were you Jimin?" said a deep voice.

Jimin stood frozen his blood was cold his eyes showing that he was scared.

"I-I went to the park t-to get some fresh air," Jimin said cursing himself for stuttering.

"Ok, cause I saw a car dropping you off. Why? Who was it?" Jungkook said walking away from where he was standing.

Jimin was trembling, he tightened his grip on his tummy.

"Oh, I met this person and we became friends. She dropped me off since I took a cab to go to the park." Jimin said looking at Jungkook's dark eyes.

"Alright," Jungkook said he walked towards Jimin, looking at him as prey that he was ready to kill.

That's when Jungkook slammed Jimin to the wall, putting his hand around Jimin's throat. Not letting him breathe, Jimin tried to deprived Jungkook's hand away from his throat but he was weak.

"DON'T LIE TO ME JIMIN, I KNOW THAT WAS A GUY! WHAT you're BEING A SLUT NOW HUH!?" Jungkook yelled tightening the grip around Jimin's throat.

"J-J-Jungkook l-let m-me goes y-y-your going t-to k-kill the p-p-pup," Jimin said in a whisper his air being cut.

His mind almost going blank until he felt the air come back. Jimin slide down putting his hand on his throat, coughing, trying to catch his breath again.

"Your lucky that you carrying my child if not well let's say they would find a dead body in the river," Jungkook said in a dangerous tone. His eyes are dark.

Jimin trembles so bad, this isn't Jungkook it's someone else. Jungkook left leaving him alone.

Jimin looked at his tummy, putting his trembling hand on top of it, he was scared for his life and his child.

He felt tears falling on his cheeks, this is what he deserves the moon goddess gave him his punishment.

Should he run away? But where would he go? He doesn't know anyone and doesn't have money. He's doomed that's when someone came across his mind maybe he might help him.

"Please forgive me for what I did moon goddess," Jimin said in a small whisper crying.

Finally updated, I was trying to figure out what to put next. Also, I feel like this story is getting boring I don't know. That's all bye. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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