Chapter 25

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Sorry for bad grammar and mistakes

5 months later

Just like that five months passed, Taehyung was eight months pregnant and his tummy was HUGE.

Yoongi was surprised by how big it had gotten these past months. They went to get an ultrasound to see how their pup is doing.

But they weren't ready for the news they got...

Taehyung burst into tears while Yoongi was shocked as if someone won a billion dollars.

Both mates found out that they were going to have TWINS!

Taehyung told his parents, Namjoon fainting again, Jin just ignored his husband he'll be fine anyway.

Jin teared up he be having two grandchildren instead. Jin asked what was the gender of the babies, Yoongi told him it was a secret that they wanted to know once the pups were born.

Maybe he will never know...or see them born...

Jimin was nine months pregnant now he will be delivering soon. J-hope took care of him and his weird mood swings but he didn't mind taking care of his mochi.

Jimin felt horrible that his child won't have a father when he is born. J-hope told him that he can be the dad, Jimin blushed at that he knew J-hope was helping him. But he had feelings for him and some reason be with him.

So he took all the courage to tell J-hope how he felt, he was seven months pregnant when he confessed.

J-hope took him out for a small trip at the beach, both were looking at the sunset. 'Come on Jimin you can do it!' Jimin thought to himself.

Jimin told Taehyung about confessing to J-hope since they are best friends well best friends. Taehyung said a loud YES! That he should confess and be happy.

Yoongi told Taehyung to calm down since he six months pregnant and his stomach was big. Taehyung pouted but courage Jimin to do it. Yoongi smirked and told Jimin to do it.

So now he is going to do it...



Both started but blushed.

"G-Go ahead Jiminie," J-hope said blushing a little bit.

Jimin bit his plump lips, he was fiddling with his shirt.

"W-Well I wanted to t-t-tell you..." Jimin started but stuttering through his words.

He started to get more nervous. What happens if he gets rejected? It will be awkward between them.

"Umm..." Jimin looked at J-hope's eyes they were sparkling. Jimin gulped.

'Come on say it already!' Jimin scolded himself.

J-hope started to get worried. "Are you okay Jimin? Did something happen? Are you not feeling well? We can go back if you want?" J-hope said getting up.

Jimin was panicking if they go then when will be the perfect time to confess. So like any normal person would do he kissed J-hope while tiptoeing as Taehyung would do.

J-hope was taken back at what Jimin did. Jimin had his eyes closed when he felt that J-hope was kissing back he knew that he didn't like him back.

So he pulled away. "I-I'm s-" Jimin couldn't finish when he felt J-hope pulling him for another kiss. This time Jimin was shocked but quickly kissed back.

Both people pouring their love into that kiss. In few a minutes, they took a breath. Jimin was staring at J-hope eyes.

"Jimin will you be my boyfriend?" J-hope asked cupping Jimin's cheeks.

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