Chapter 10

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Sorry for bad grammar and mistakes.

"Y-Y-Your s-s-son..." Jungkook stuttered while, trying not to make eye contact with Namjoon.

Namjoon was ready to beat up Jungkook really bad. He was ready to choke him with his hands. Namjoon's grip was getting strong.

"LET HIM GO YOUR GOING TO HURT HIM!" Jimin yelled giving Namjoon small hits on his back.

"Ok you midget, leave my husband alone." Jin said grabbing Jimin's wrist really gently to not hurt him.

"LET ME GO OR I'M GOING CALL THE POLICE!"Jimin said snatching his wrists back.

"Oh! Your going to call the police well go ahead Karen were not doing anything bad to you only Jungkook." Jin said with sassiness in his voice.

Jimin didn't say anything he was suprised by Jin's words. He called him KAREN!

"JUNGKOOK, WHERE IS MY SON?! TELL ME RIGHT NOW OR I'M GOING GET MY PAN!" Jin said ready to get his pan in the car.

"Taehyung is at his mates house." Jimin said standing there.

Jin just looked at Jimin if he lost his brain or his system just broke down.

"THE FUCK YOU MEAN MIDGET HE IS AT HIS MATE'S HOUSE?! JUNGKOOK IS HIS MATE!" Jin said getting confused of what the small man mean.

Namjoon was confused too, he looked at Jungkook to see if the male was right of what he said.

"Jungkook, what does he mean by his mate's house? Isn't Taehyung here?" Namjoon said calmly his sharp teeth started to come out.

Jungkook didn't say anything he just stood there with Namjoon's hands gripping his shirt.

"MOTHER FUCKING JUNGKOOK WHERE IS MY SON!?" Namjoon yelled losing his cool.

"It's true, Taehyung is at his true mate's house he isn't here." Jungkook said looking down.

Namjoon lets go of him, he was confused of what he was saying.

"TRUE MATE?! ISN'T TAEHYUNG YOUR MATE?" Jin said, was he losing his mind or didn't wake up good?

"I DON'T EITHER OK?! IT JUST HAPPENED!" Jungkook said looking up straight at Jin.

"Where is he Jungkook or who is he with?" Namjoon asked walking towards his mate to calm him down.

"He's with my ex mate, his name is Min Yoongi." Jimin said answering Namjoon question.

"Can you give me his address or something to contact that person?" Namjoon asked since his husband isn't looking good right now.

Jimin gave Namjoon the address of Yoongi's mansion and where he works.

Namjoon was holding his husband so he wouldn't faint cause he will any time.

"Jungkook I trusted you with my son but looks like I was right with my instincts you were never the right person for him in the first place." Jin said with venom in his voice while being held in Namjoon's arms.

Good thing Namjoon didn't trip or they would've fell flat on the floor.

Jungkook stayed silent he didn't say anything. For some reason Jin's words struck something inside.

"Well, we be leaving. This will be the last time we see each other, Jungkook have a wonderful life with your lover and also congratulations on the baby hope it is healthy." Namjoon said when they were ready to leave the house.

"Yeah, don't show up in my son's life or ours cause I will finish the job I didn't finish." Jin said.

Namjoon closed the door of the house leaving behind two couple standing there with awkward silence.

"SHIT!" Jungkook yelled out of frustration or sadness?

Jimin didn't say anything he was only dazed never in his life he has met this kind of people.

"They are pretty scary." Jimin whispered. He looked at Jungkook as if he has lost his mind?

"Don't worry I'm fine I just need some peace, come on let's cook some breakfast for us." Jungkook said walking towards Jimin escorting him to the kitchen.

In someone's car
"Namjoonie, we need to find our precious baby and he needs to explain to us what THE FREAKING FRACKING IS GOING ON!?" Jin said frustrated and confused at the same time.

"I know honey, I'm confused too we don't even know this guy." Namjoon said holding his husband hand to keep him calm.

"Ok let's go to the address that midget gave us." Jin said hoping his son is ok and safe.

They need their questions answered now. Who is the mate of their child?

It some minutes to arrive of Yoongi's residence. The mansion was big like big.

"Holy shit, this man is loaded?!" Jin said his eye's almost popping out.

Both of them het off the car, walking towards the door. Jin ringing the door bell with Namjoon beside him.

They hear steps walking towards the door.

"Yes, can I help you?" the voice said.

"Where is our son?" Jin asked ready to attack the stranger.

"Wha-" the stranger couldn't finish by someone's voice interrupted him.

"Appa, eomma? What are you doing here?" Said the other voice.

"Taehyung, we were looking for you. We need you well actually both of you to give us an explanation what is going on?!" Jin said looking at his son with a confusion written in his face.

"Ok eomma, I'll explain it to you both but please come in." Taehyung said moving aside that way his parents can enter.

Namjoon and Jin entered the mansion doors closing behind them. Looks like chaos is about to begin.

Thank you very much for reading my story. Hope you enjoy. Byeeeeeeee.

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