Chapter 4

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Before Taehyung showed up.
Taehyung was at the floor he saw the man standing there telling him to go with him?!

The man knew the omega wasn't trusting him.

"Look I'm not going to hurt you it's that my friend said that your his true mate and told me to rescue you from this hell ok."

Taehyung was supper confused what did he meant by true mate isn't Jungkook his mate.

"Here my name is Jung Hoseok I'm not going to hurt you ok I know your confused but we have to leave." Hoseok said.

Taehyung wasn't sure to trust this guy. So he nodded his head anyway.

Hoseok helped Taehyung get up from the floor.

"T-T-Thank you Hoseok."

"No problem but you can call me hobi or J-hope lets leave this house it stinks."
J-hope scrunch his noise.

Taehyung giggled a little bit by J-hope expression.

J-hope lead Taehyung out of the house to his car parked behind his house.

'How did he park here?' Taehyung thought to himself. J-hope saw how confused Taehyung was when he saw his car parked behind his house.

"There is secret road behind your house." Taehyung nodded.

They got in the car driving away from Taehyung's house. Taehyung looked in the window leaving behind his home or should he call hell. In that house was filled with pain.

Taehyung smiled a little knowing he left something behind. The love he had with his mate.

Minutes later
They arrived in a fancy building. It stand out of all the buildings next to them.

'I have seen this building before but where?' Taehyung thought for a moment he saw this building somewhere.

"Let's enter the building." J-hope said walking to the entrance. Taehyung followed behind him with his head down.

He saw employees looking at him with confused eyes. Taehyung felt uncomfortable with all eyes staring at him.

Both entered the elvator, J-hope pressing a button to go up. They waited for a moment then heard a ding.

They arrived at their destination. J-hope lead Taehyung to a big doors. Taehyung felt a strong aroma behind those closed doors.

J-hope looked at Taehyung with a smile. "He will explain everything to you."
Taehyung was confused but said nothing.

Taehyung pushed the big doors picking up a smell that almost made him submit.

The scent made Taehyung run to owners arms and feel protected. The scent was sweet and strong.

'This feels familiar like the day I met Jungkook but different.'

Taehyung saw a male standing in the middle of the room like waiting for someone. The man was taller had muscle in ever good place. His hair brushed behind his back. He was just amazing or perfect.

The man turned around meeting with Taehyung's eyes.

Taehyung saw the male eyes turn red like blood while his turned blue like crystal blue.

In that moment Taehyung and the male felt a sensation like a string trying to pull both of them together that's when they both knew they were Mates.

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